(2007-02-03 00:18:22)
看到下麵的貼, 想到我女兒,也喜歡扮公主呢.
然然三歲時, 一天, 媽媽說: “今天, 我們去***buffet 去吃飯.” 然然問” 為什麽”. 媽媽很高興地說:”今天是爸爸媽媽結婚周年紀念日”. “什麽是結婚周年紀念日”. 然然問. “It was the day that daddy and mommy married.” 媽媽回答. 結果然然大哭. “You can’t marry daddy, I’m going to marry him. Wa--, wa--, wa--.” 爸爸高興, 媽媽傻眼, 晚飯沒有吃成.
然然愛看的Disney動畫片,特別是princess 係列。自從看了白雪公主和灰姑娘,估計對後媽有看法。記得然然四歲的一天,她請了她在daycare最好的朋友到家裏來玩。吃點心的時候,我聽到的這樣的對話:
名名: I have one dollar, my sister gave to me.
然然: Wow, you are so rich.
名名: Why?
然然: Because one dollar is one hundred cents. One hundred is a lot.
名名: How do you know?
然然: My mommy told me.
名名: You so lucky your mom teach you so many things.
然然: Is your mommy step mother?
名名: No.(嚴重升調) she just don’t have time.
名名走後,我告訴然然不是所有的後媽都mean, 也不是所有的親媽都好.
然然從小就愛表演, 沒人教她. 看完迪斯尼的公主係列, 就在家裝小美人魚呀, 美女貝拉等. 現在長大了, 不好意思再裝了, 但我覺得她還是挺戲劇化的. 一天, 我們上完琴課開車回來, 車上有一個弟弟的玩具驢子, 就是Shrek中的驢子, 隻要一按就會說: “Shrek, are we there yet?” 她就開玩上了.
按一下“Shrek, are we there yet?”
“No, not yet, it is long way to go. (很nice)”
又按一下“Shrek, are we there yet? (很nice)”
“No, No, No, not yet, it is------- long way to go. (nice)”
又按一下“Shrek, are we there yet?”
“No, No, No, not yet, it is------- long way to go. Be patient! (很nice)”
又按一下“Shrek, are we there yet?”
“Be patient! Donkey (語氣加重)”
又按一下“Shrek, are we there yet?”
“Be patient! (語氣更加重), I told you be patient.”
又按一下“Shrek, are we there yet?”
“Shut up! Donkey, it is still long way to go. (Mad)”
(我偷著樂, 這不是你自找的嗎? 路程走了大半.)
又按一下“Shrek, are we there yet?”
“Shut up! Donkey, you are annoying. (Mad)”
又按一下“Shrek, are we there yet?”
“Donkey, if you do it again, I will hold you mouth. (Mad)”
又按一下“Shrek, are we there yet?”
“Now, I’m going to hold you mouth. (幸災樂禍)”
(我樂顛了, 有沒有hold mouth, 我也沒看見. 一路無語)
又按一下“Shrek, are we there yet?”
“Ye, it is over there, you can see it. (nice)”
又按一下“Shrek, are we there yet?”
“Yep, we finally are here, let’s go! (很nice)”
謝謝你在我的搏客留言!我不常去, 剛剛看到。