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ACCAC威爾士學曆管理、教學大綱與評估委員會 AICE國際高級教育證書 A-level中學高級水平考試 ARELS(Association of Recognised English Language Services)英語語言認證教學機構聯合會 AS-level中學準高級水平考試 BA(Bachelor of Arts)文學學士 BAC(British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education)英國私立延續教育及高等教育認證委員會 BALEAP(British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes)英國學術英語講師協會 BASELT(British Association of State English Language Teaching)英國公立英語語言教學機構協會 BATQI(British Association of TESOL Qualifying Institutions)英國英語教學合格院校聯合會 B.Eng (Bachelor of Engineering)工程學士 B.Sc.(Bachelor of Science)理學學士 BTEC(Business and Technology Education Council)工商及技術教育委員會 CCEA(Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum,Examinations and Assessment)北愛爾蘭教學大綱、考試與評估委員會 CIFE(Conference for Independent Further Education)私立延續教育聯合會 COSHEP(The Committee of Scottish Higher Education Principals)蘇格蘭高等教育校長委員會 CVCP(Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals)大學校長委員會 DENI (Department of Education Northern Ireland)北愛爾蘭教育部 DfEE(Department for Education and Employment)教育與就業部 D.Phil(Doctor of Philosophy)哲學博士 EAP(English for Academic Purposes)學術英語 EAQUALS(European Association for Quality Language Service)歐洲語言教學質量服務機構 EiBA( English in Britain Accreditation Scheme)英國英語認證計劃 EEA(European Economic Area)歐洲經濟區 EIS(Education In????ation Service)教育信息服務處 ELSIS(English Language Service for International Students)外國學生英語語言教學 ELT(English Language Training)英語語言培訓 ESL(English as a Second Language)英語外語教學 ESP(English for Specific Purposes)專用英語 FE(Further Education)延續教育 GCSE(General Certificate of Secondary Education)普通中等教育證書 GMAT(General Management Admission Test)管理專業入學考試 GNVQ(General National Vocational Qualification)全國通用職業資格 GSVQ(General Scottish Vocational Qualification)蘇格蘭通用職業資格 GTTR(Graduate Teacher Training Registry)畢業教師培訓注冊處 HE(Higher Education)高等教育 HEFCE(Higher Education Funding Council for England)英格蘭高等教育基金管理委員會 HEFCW(Higher Education Funding Council for Wales)威爾士高等教育基金管理委員會 HND(Higher National Diploma)國家高等教育文憑 IB(International Baccalaureate)國際高中畢業考試 IELTS(International English Language Testing System)國際英語語言測試係統(簡稱雅思) ISC(Independent Schools Council)私立學校委員會 IGCSE(International GCSE)國際普通中等教育證書 Independent Schools Council私立學校委員會 ISIS(Independent Schools In????ation Service)私立學校信息服務處 LCCI(London Chamber of Commerce & Industry)倫敦工商會 LEA(Local Education Authority)地方教育局 LLM(Master of Law) 法學碩士 MA(Master of Arts)文學碩士 MBA(Master of Business Administration)工商管理碩士 M.Chem(Master of Chemistry)化學碩士 M.Ed(Master of Education)教育碩士 M.Eng. (Master of Engineering)工程碩士 M.Phil.(Master of Philosophy)研究碩士 M.Phys(Master of Physics)物理碩士 M.Sc.(Master of Science)理學碩士 M.Res.(Master of Research)研究碩士 M.Sci(Master of Science)理學碩士(本科水平) NARIC(National Academic Recognition In????ation Centre)全國學術認證信息中心 NHS(National Health Service)國民保健體係 NISS(National In????ation Services and Systems)全國信息服務係統 NUS(National Union of Students)全國學生聯合會 NVQ(National Vocational Qualification)全國職業證書 ODA(Overseas Development Administration)海外發展管理局 OFSTED(Office for Standards in Education)教育標準辦公室 PGCE(Postgraduate Certificate in Education)教育學研究生證書 PAM (Professions Allied to Medicine)醫學有關職業 PGCE(Postgraduate Certificate in Education)(教育學研究生文憑) PG Cert(Postgraduate Certificate)研究生文憑 PG Dip.(Postgraduate Diploma)研究生文憑 Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy)哲學博士 QAA(Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education)高等教育質量保障局 QCA(Qualifications and Curriculum Authority)教學大綱和學曆管理委員會 RAE(Research Assessment Exercise)科研水平評估 SCE(Scottish Certificate of Education)蘇格蘭教育證書 SEED(Scottish ????utive Education Department)蘇格蘭執行教育部 SCE (Scottish Certificate of Education )蘇格蘭教育證書 SHEFC(Scottish Higher Education Funding Council)蘇格蘭高等教育基金管理委員會 SQA(Scottish Qualifications Authority)蘇格蘭學曆管理委員會 SVQ(Scottish Vocational Qualifications)蘇格蘭職業資格 TQA( Teaching Quality Assessment)教學質量評估 TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language)英語外語教學 TAE(Teaching Assessment Exercise)教學質量評估 TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language )麵向母語為非英語者的英語教學課程 TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)英語外語考試(簡稱托福) TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)國際英語考試 UCAS((Universities and Colleges Admission Service)高等院校招生辦公室 UKCOSA (The Council for International Education)英國國際教育委員
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