聖經上說:“你要保守你的心,因為一生的果效是由心發出。”(Be careful how you think, your life is shaped by your thoughts.------- Proverbs,3:5-6)
“遇亨通的日子你當喜樂,遭患難的日子你當思想。”(When times are good,be happy, but when times are bad, consider. ------Ecclesiastes7:14)
“手懶的,要受貧窮,手勤的,卻要富足。“(Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.------ Proverbs 10:14)
“人有見識就不輕易發怒,寬恕人的過失便是自己的榮耀。”(A man’s wisdom gives him patience, it is to his glory to overlook an offense.------- Proverbs 9:11)
注: 看了平陽的"陪讀劄記",很有共鳴.特別是有關宗教那篇.上麵的那些摘錄也是...