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廁所堵了怎麽辦 借工具自己幹

(2006-07-23 20:50:05) 下一個
廁所堵了怎麽辦 借工具自己幹


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R01grant 回複 悄悄話 That is small potato:

I should be your teacher because I can do replacing toilet, and sink, I also can do roofing, door, windows, and sealing drive way and re-soil my garden, insulation of my attic, building new wall for my basement, and rebuiding my deck, installing fece and polishing and painting celling and walls.

When you get a house, you will have to learn to do it, otherwise, it will cause you fortune to hire expertise to do them for you.

I am very proud of myself now.

Haha, I am glad to meet a new hand here
老地主婆 回複 悄悄話 租金7大刀?您還不如買一個呢。放家裏,下回用。