
Nostradamus 的第三次世界大戰和世界末日的預言

(2006-07-20 20:18:39) 下一個
background ination on nostradamus
is it possible to see into the future? many believe that a man namedmichel de nostradamus could. his predictions of the future havemystified scholars for over four hundred years. nostradamus made overone thousand predictions and some historians say that over half of themhave already come true.

michel de nostredame was born on december 14th, 1503 inst.-remy-de-provence, france; the first son of a large and educatedjewish family. during this era, jews were persecuted and oftenpracticed their beliefs in shadows. his family converted tochristianity.

by the time he was 16, michel was ready to enter the university inavignon. his beginning studies were in classical grammar, rhetoric andlogic along with basic sciences, but these were interrupted by theplague of 1520 and michel took his place as physician among many othereducated healers of the day. but michel became known, even in thisearly time, as a miracle worker. it wasn't until after he spent manyyears of traveling around europe that michel actually enrolled intomedical school at the famous montpelier medical facility in october1529.

his medical education was not without trouble however. his vastexperience during the plague and through his travels boosted michel'sknowledge, in many cases, above those of the scholars doing theteaching. michel was often at odds with his instructors over the causesor affects of illness in patients. he studied medicine in montpellierand started a practice about 1525. soon after, he began to treatvictims of the plague in communities of southern france. nostradamusused innovative methods of treatment, and his success in curingextremely ill patients earned him a reputation as an especially giftedhealer. unfortunatly, he lost his first wife and daughter to a plague,and was devestated. even without all of his 'visions' and 'prophecies,'nostradamus would still have been a noteworthy for his medicalacheivements.

after this loss, he focused more on astrology and began to see his first visions.
before we move on: why are the nostradamus prophecies so obscure?
nostradamus explains that this was done to avoid persecution from theinquisition. he also gives this as the reasoning why the quatrains arenot in chronological order.

nostradamus left his predictions in the of several letters, almost 10004-line verses called quatrains (the centuries), and a collection of6-line verses called sixains. the prophesies are not sequential bydate. some interesting coincidences have been observed between thequatrain number (in the centuries) and the last two digits of the yearof the corresponding event, but this is not unily true. nostradamusalmost always concealed his meanings in anagrams, symbolism, andmythological allusions, and to top it all off nostradamus wroteprimarily in "early modern french," with a mixture of archaic wordsmostly derived from latin and greek. confusing huh? he alsoincorporates words from the "languedoc" or provencal dialect ofsouthern france. that is why so many of his prophecies are left wideopen to interpretation.

to put it in simple terms, he combined 3 languages, mixed it alltogether with symbolism and cryptic messages, and then put them into4-line "verses" or "quatrains." sort of like prophectic poetry i guess.

another possible explanation for the obscurity of the quatrains has todo with the dynamics of nostradamus' visions. his visions seem to spanthousands of years. it was proabably difficult for him to interpret20th and 21st century technology using 16th century french. he simplylacked the vocabulary. also, it is possible that a single quatraincould refer to several events. the incorporation of 'links' to severaldifferent events would further increase the obscurity of a quatrain. iwould also like to point out from my studies:

-use of language that was, even when written, archaic and chaotic
-use of anagrams and unknown names (symbolism) locations and objects
-use of astrological or mythological references (references to planetary alignments and other phenomena).
-nonstandard word order, and sentence structure that seemingly doesn't flow
death of henry ii & other well documented predicitons
the young lion will overcome the older one,
on the field of combat in a single battle;
he will pierce his eyes through a golden cage,
two wounds made one, then he dies a cruel death.
(century 1, quatrain 35)

this quatrain foretelling the death of king henry ii of france in ajousting accident is one of the most famous, predocumented, and perhapsone of the most studied.

in june 1559, henry ii ignored all warnings that nostradamus gave himand participated in a jousting tournament against the comte demontgomery. both men used shields embossed with lions. montgomery wassix years younger than henry. a tournament is a field of ritual singlecombat.

during the final bout, montgomery failed to lower his lance in time. itshattered, sending a large splinter through the king's gilded visor(golden cage). along with minor punctures in the face and throat, therewere two mortal wounds. one splinter destroyed the king's eye; theother impaled his temple just behind the eye. both penetrated hisbrain. henry lingered for ten agonizing days before dying a crueldeath. coincidence?
the london fire of 1666
the blood of the just will be demanded of london,
burnt by the fire in the year 66
the ancient lady will fall from her high place
and many of the same sect will be killed
(century 2, quatrain 51)

the great fire destroyed london in 1666. this is one of the rareprophecies in which a date is given. even many skeptics look at thisone and realise it's accuracy. the fire itself burnt down nearly 3/4 oflondon.
the french revolution
songs, chants, and refrains of the slavish mob,
whilst the princes and king are captive in prison,
shall be received in the future as oracles divine
by headless idiots deprived of judgment.

the husband, alone afflicted, will be mitered;
conflict will take place at the tile works by 500.
one betrayer will be titled.

in this quatrain, nostradamus writes of a place he could not have evenknown of.. the twilleries was the palace of king louis. but this palacedid not even exist in nostradamus' day. in 1791 a gang of angryfrenchmen calling themselves the marsi'es, meaning 500, attacked kinglouis' palace.

by night he will come to the forest of reines,
a devious rout, the white queen of stone
and the gray king, to varennes.

scholars suggest this quatrain refers to the flight of king louis andhis queen marie antoinette. taking the odd and out of way route throughthe forest of reines, the king was dressed in a gray cloak posing as amonk. the two royals attempted their escape by carriage to varennes.

the government taken over, will convict the king.
a new king invites guests to a wedding,
but others plot the lady's death,
as well as that of his mistress.

the people of france did convict king louis and sentenced him to death.the queen was tried by a jury chosen by lot and was also sentenced todeath along with the king's mistress. the royals were taken to a squarein paris and beheaded at the guillotine.
the three anti-christs
throughout nostradamus' quatrains he speaks of three powerful andtyrannical leaders that he calls anti-christs. he said they would leadtheir people through reigns of terror after first seducing them withpromises of greatness. napoleon is thought to have been the first ofthese anti-christs. of napoleon's rise to power and years as emperornostradamus wrote:

an emperor shall be born near italy.
who shall cost the empire dear,
they shall say, with what people he keeps company
he shall be found less a prince than a butcher.

napolleon the first antichrist

napoleon, who was considered a butcher even by his supporters,certainly cost the empire dearly in both manpower and politicalstrength.

from a simple soldier he will rise to the empire,
from the short robe he will attain the long.
great swarms of bees shall arise.

after becoming emperor, napoleon adopted the beehive as his imperialcrest. he was born near italy on the island of corsica, a most unlikelyplace for a ruler of france to come from. some scholars say thatnostradamus was referring to napoleon's destruction of moscow when hewrote:

a great troop shall come through russia.
the destroyer shall ruin a city.

napoleon's forces attatcked too far into the country, and got trappedin the russian winter. the following verse resembles what could havebeen napoleon's retreat across the icy part of russia.

the rear guard will make defense.
the exhausted ones will die in the white territory.

nostradamus made other predictions of napoleon's fate:

the great empire will soon be exchanged for a small place.
which will soon begin to grow.
a small place of tiny area in the middle of which
he will come to lay down his scepter.

the captive prince, conquered, is sent to elba;
he will sail across the gulf of genoa to marseilles.
by a great effort of the foreign forces he is overcome,
though he escaped the fire, his bees yield blood by the barrel.

napoleon was exiled to the small island of elba but escaped for 100days. after a defeat at waterloo he relinquished all power for exile ontiny st. helena.

the second anti-christ nostradamus wrote about was "a man stained withmurder...the great enemy of the human race...one who was worse than anywho had gone before...bloody and inhuman." experts are in agreementthat the sixteenth century prophet was referring to adolf hitler.

out of the deepest part of the west of europe,
from poor people a young child shall be born,
who with his tongue shall seduce many people,
his fame shall increase in the eastern kingdom.
adolph hitler the second antichrist

adolf hitler, born in austria of poor parents, with his knowledge ofmob psychology and powers of speech, was successful in seducing manypeople , even in the eastern empire of japan. in some quatrainsnostradamus refers to hitler as the child or sometimes captain ofgermany. here are two examples:

he shall come to tyrannize the land.
he shall raise up a hatred that had long been dormant.
the child of germany observes no law.
cries, and tears, fire, blood, and battle.

a captain of germany shall come to yield himself by false hope,
so that his revolt shall cause great bloodshed.

all of these images certainly describe adolf hitler. after seducing hispeople, hitler ignored all treaties and began a massive invasion ofeurope. in the following verse, some experts say that nostradamusactually referred to hitler by name but missed by one letter. (a sidenote : "hister" is the ancient name for the river danube also.)

beasts wild with hunger will cross the rivers
the greater part of the battlefield will be against hister.

finally, nostradamus sums up hitler's life and even predicts the fact that his death in berlin in 1945 would never be confirmed:

near the rhine from the austrian mountains
will be born a great man of the people, come too late.
a man who will defend poland and hungary
and whose fate will never be certain.
the 3rd and final anti-christ
according to nostradamus, the first two anti-christs were extremelyevil, and history has shown this to be so; however, nostradamus speaksof a third anti-christ who is more hideous than all the otherscombined. some have said sadaam hussein, the dictator from iraq (provedfalse now), or even osama bin laden. could he be this evil tyrant?others say that he has not yet appeared. what does nostradamus sayabout this third anti-christ? first, nostradamus tells us he will comefrom the middle east.

nostradamus 3rd final antichrist

out of the country of greater arabia shall be born a strong master of mohammed,
he will enter europe wearing a blue turban.
he will be the terror of mankind.
never more horror.

here, nostradamus says that a man from greater arabia will lead hisforces on an invasion through europe. this invasion will start a thirdworld war that will be far worse than all the other wars put together.when will all this take place? in one quatrain nostradamus gives us anexact date in which the war will be well under way.
in the year 1999 and seven months
from the sky will come the great king of terror.
he will bring back to life the king of the mongols;
before and after war reigns.

nostradamus predicts the war will begin shortly before the year 1999.it doesn't make much sense to this author, but many are now saying thatthe 'war' was set 'in motion' in 1999, and now after septermeber 11ththese things are going to come true... as we are now 'at war withterror.' interpret it how you will. he also tells us how long the warwill last.

the war will last seven and twenty years. (so 27 years)

nostradamus says that the war will be so terrible that the world willcome face to face with final annihilation. here, he implies that thewar might involve some kind of horrible weapon, possibly nuclear.nostradamus tells what the first target will be.

the sky will burn at forty-five degrees.
fire approaches the great new city.

in this phrase, nostradamus refers to a great city in the new world ofamerica near forty-five degrees latitude. experts agree this could onlybe new york. i know many of you are thinking of other websites thatclaim this means he predicted september 11th. again, interpret it howyou will. the sky did burn at 45 degrees, but new york was notdestroyed, nor was it a nuclear attack.

by fire he will destroy their city,
a cold and cruel heart,
blood will pour,
mercy to none.

although nostradamus 's predictions for our future sound frightening,the accuracy and dates he gave do not seem to flow. are they beingmisinterpreted, or are they just plain wrong? is the new city at 45degrees yet to be destroyed? he does give us some hope by telling ushow this third world war will end. he says it will end as a result ofan unexpected alliance.

when those of the northern pole are united,
in the east will be great fear and dread...
one day the two great leaders will be friends;
their great powers will be seen to grow.
the new land will be at the height of its power:
to the man of blood the number is reported.

again, the new land was a common term used by nostradamus to refer towhat we now call america. the countries of the northern pole could berussia and the united states. we have recently seen the breakdown ofcommunism in russia and an increasing friendship between russia and theu.s. perhaps the two countries will work together against the source ofevil.
the end of the world
of course, not only have the "experts" on the prophets not always beencorrect - the seers themselves have not always been quite so accuratein their forecasts. although people keep claiming that "it's the worldwill end" they often ignore other prophecies he wrote. nostradamusnever said the world would end in 1666, 1999, 2012, 2096, or any ofthose years. in fact, he was quite clear we would survive through allof these other conflicts, and if we took it upon ourselves, we couldchange / prevent what was indeed going to happen.

time will tell if the iraq conflict or, indeed, the world trade centerattack had put the spark to a bigger barrel. as for the end of theworld... nostradamus predicted it to be the year 3786 or 3797,depending on which nostradamus expert you believe.


so, some of the historical events may have nostradamus predicted werethe war with napoleon, the american revolution, the civil war, the riseand the fall of hitler, events in the british monarchy such as theabdication of edward viii, and the assassinations of lincoln and johnand robert kennedy. he also predicted three reigns of terror by personshe named as ?antichrists?.

what nostradamus did prophesy was that a great war would come sometimeduring the last five years of the 20th century, presaged by famine,drought and a series of other natural disasters. this war will lastclose to 30 years, after which there will be one thousand years ofpeace, or a new golden age. nostradamus quatrains did not go beyond3786 or 3797. according to a letter written to one of his sons, theseer claimed this is the year the world will end.

michel de nostradamus, gifted french physician and prophet, made andrecorded over one thousand predictions during his lifetime. of those,some say over half have come true. as the new millennium begins hispublished collections of quatrains have become more popular than everas people look for answers and direction.

what does the future hold? was nostradamus a whack-job or a true prophet? that is for you to decide.
source: www.armageddononline.org/nostradamus2.php
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