

陽陽害怕爸爸也走了... 第一天上夏令營

(2009-07-27 21:23:22) 下一個
陽陽半夜醒來三四次,哭著要爸爸。媽媽來了都不行,一定要爸爸坐在房間裏。躺在地上都不行。爸爸抱到客房裏也不行。好像餓了,吃了東西,喝牛奶。回頭還是要爸爸陪。隻好兩個人睡在地上。no time to write blog. copy over facebook status and comments....

July 25 PM: XHC survived the first day without grandparents, and entertained visiting cousin and girlfriend. Everyone is tired. Even the baby fell asleep on her own before 10:30!!

July 27 AM: Logan is freaking out in the middle of the night, and would not let Mike out of sight. He is probably trying to adjust to the changes with the leaving of grandparents, the visit of uncle over the weekend, and a family gathering yesterday. The father and son are sleeping on the floor together in Logan's room right now. Tomorrow he goes to a new summer camp- one more change. Poor little guy, trying to figure it...

He woke up at midnight, 3 and 4:30, crying. He didn't want me. He only wanted Baba. Then at 6, Melody woke up and could not go back to sleep. She is trying to engage me in a smiling contest right now.

July 27 PM: XHC is glad that Logan had a good day at his new school (summer camp). He participated in circle time, answered questions, knew all the songs, and interacted with teachers. Teachers say he is smart and really cute too!

When I picked him up, I saw him talking to the teacher, and they were both laughing and having a great time! I was so happy to hear about his first day doing so well. He only played cars for a very little time. It is hard to believe how social he can be.

It's the Growing Garden the Jewish school Kattalee goes to. Logan will go 4 mornings a week.

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