(2008-05-17 23:05:59)
今晚李醫生又打電話來,跟我詳細分析了陽陽的“病例”。她真的很好。她看了一組陽陽最近三個月的照片,也提出了右眼小、右手拳著的問題,還發現嘴角不一樣。我說陽陽從來不雙手公用。她建議我直接去看神經科醫生,帶好照片和錄像。今天下午去朋友家玩。他們有個四歲小姐姐和7個月的小弟弟。我們到遊泳池玩水,陽陽今天很鬧,很怕水,幾次都哭著要上岸。岸上的地很咯,把陽陽的膝蓋弄痛了,他隻好一個膝蓋爬。後來坐在沙灘椅上玩了半天,又想下地爬。我觀察了朋友家的小弟弟,經常目不轉睛的望著我,後來吃飯的時候,還把吸管從一隻手換到另一手。陽陽好像從來不會。陽陽今天兩次跟人招手再見。我有意識的讓他 repeat after me,因為他很早以前會學我發音,現在不會了。今天他會學我做吐泡泡的聲音,和 click 舌頭,似乎想說 mama,但最終說成別的。The new McClaren Triumph stroller has arrived. It is not as light weight as I was hoping for, but it is less bulky than the ones we have. Then our friend told us that they only used baby carrier in China, because the stroller is not useful. Their baby carrier is very small. Ours is a full backpack.Baby was so tired when we went out for dinner. He only wanted to crawl out of the small room in the restaurant. Then he bit me in the shoulder. But I love holding him. I think he likes being held, although he cannot express it.