

14W5D 兩件擔心的事

(2006-09-06 09:47:37) 下一個
Two things worried me in the last few days.

Last Saturday we had a party at home. From early morning, I stared cleaning up our place, and worked on the garden. I did not stop until the guest came. We had 10 guests. It was a big party. All afternoon and evening I was serving and cleaning and talking to people. By the time everyone left, I was exhausted. Never was I so exhausted since I got pregnant. At night, I woke up with a bad headache and felt very thirsty. I felt like I had a hangover from the party. But I didn't drink any. Maybe I did not drink enough water the whole day. Mike said I was dehydrated. I immediately drank a lot of water, and took a tylenol, but the headache did not go away quickly. I slept badly the whole night, and was worried about the baby.

Yesterday I decided to try a more rigorous yoga dvd I got from Josh a while ago. It was longer than the prenatal yoga, and with more challenging workout. However, there were several moves that I didn't feel comfortable to do--lying on my belly and rocking back and forth, backward bent... I did some twists too. I knew I were supposed to watch out for twists, but it felt good on my back. Then an hour later, I felt cramps all over my lower belly and was immediately scared. I went to bed feeling remorseful. All night I was trying to detect signs of cramps. I didn't sleep well. This morning everything seemed to be OK, but I need to take it easy for a while.

Sometimes I worry too much, and other times I take great risks. I am not in a steady, peaceful state of mind.

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