

7W3D 昨天的老公生日會

(2006-07-17 14:15:21) 下一個
Yesterday we went to LG's birthday part at his dad's place. He had already told his dad about the pregnancy. Everyone in his family now knows about it--his dad, his sister, his step family, his uncle and aunt and his cousins, his grandma. We haven't told my parents and his mother yet. I don't know why. Maybe because his father is a doctor so we feel it wise to let him know early.Susan is going onto her week 12. Her due date is Feb.1. She used to complain about the pregnancy a lot. She used to smoke and drink, and she was feeling bad the first weeks. Last week she visited her OB and heard the heartbeat for the first time, and she became much more excited and happy about her baby. I was lucky to have seen the baby at only week 6. She was also happy to know that I was pregnant, because our kids can become the best of friends.

我倒是從來沒想過我的寶寶會跟什麽樣的寶寶成為好朋友。當然蘇珊的孩子是我們寶寶的表兄表姐,他們肯定會很好的朋友。我想也許蘇珊自小沒有一起長大的兄弟姐妹,最好的朋友是一個不住在一個城市的表姐,所以她很希望寶寶能有一個親近的弟弟妹妹。可憐的老公,本來是他的生日會,我們整晚討論懷孕的反應,討論生產的痛苦,討論各種 complications,討論子女的培養。我們這幾個人裏麵隻有老公的經驗最少。他還在 shock 中,還不能了解整件事對他的意義。我也是第一次跟人講了這麽多關於懷孕的事。平時我不想給老公太多的壓力。今天在網上訂了兩本給準爸爸看的書,希望他能慢慢學習。

我看了以前朋友寄來的 birth announcement,了解一下他們的寶寶生下來是多重。都是七磅多,但有一個九磅多很多,就算是大的。我以前以為越大越好呢。

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