---By Jim Lauer (From Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul IV)
Please treat me well; I am as I'm treated
When I am loved, I can love who I am
When I am cared for, I can care for myself
When I am treated as someone, I can feel like someone
Speak to me, so I may learn to listen
Expose the world to me, so I may see its beauty
Look into my eyes, so I may feel I am seen
If you're good to me, I must be a good person
When you smile at me, I can smile inside
When you let me make choices, I know that I can choose
When you give to me, I can give a bit back
Touch me gently, so I may touch others
Rest my unrest, so that I may learn self-control
Soothe me, so I may learn to soothe
Love me, but give me room to love others
When you treat me as successful, I can learn to succeed
When you respect my dreams, I can explore reality
When you allow my mistakes, I can accept what they teach
Teach me diversity of thoughts, so I may be open-minded
Help me help others, so I may grow to be selfless
Demonstrate your diligence, so I may earn my way in life
Show me how to laugh, so I may laugh with others
Laugh at your shortcomings, so I may accept my own
I am someone and I am loved