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研究youtube / how it works

(2024-02-17 19:50:05) 下一個

i have been creating new music on youtube channel since january 1st, based on some reading and my own observations, some key points: 

the most effective way is to have youtube promote it for you (present your video to others at right time and to the right audience), how to get youtube to promote the video ? 

> title /thumnail combined helps click-through rate, so good thumnails and great title can raise curiosity and attract viewers to click the video. 

>  watch time is an important metric, after the viewer clicks in. if the viewer exits before 30 seconds, it doesn't even count as a view , watch time  tells youtube if people likes your video and quality of it based on the interests of the viewers who got in. 

> backend metrics (many of them, around 15 - 20) , youtube studio also show a lot of metrics , it tracks each video 's impressions, views, likes, comments, and sharing  actions , anything acted on video is a good sign, including dislikes, this help video to get ranked higher, it is all backend data-driven .

> those videos with high ranking will be promoted by youtube, click through rate is number 1, number 2 is the video has to attract and keep viewer's attention, the longer the better, every second in the video is important , which means quality video gets  high ranking. 

youtube is a fun game to play outside our day job, a personal vlog, the market and the demand is huge and unbelievable, it is truly amazing it hosts billions of videos and viewers at ease (anyone can post a junk video at any time for example) , many fun opportunities to explore, sometimes it yields interesting and unexpected directions. 

順便 promote my music channel,  cheers!




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