music learning journal


(2022-06-12 12:28:48) 下一個

為照顧親友的嬰兒也全家感染了omicron, 低燒(最高101.2度),咳嗽,身體酸痛,累,感冒的症狀都有了,第三天第五天感覺90%好了,但隨後的一天有fatigue又變差,進一步退兩步,六七天時症狀基本消失,咳嗽很少,測了還是弱陽,第九天100%複原,沒測但去運動了,第十天才100%陰性了,恢複期是有點長,但算熬過了。談論兩年半,該來的還是來了,感謝身體的免疫力,從出生到現在經曆多少病毒細菌侵襲,好在免疫係統works! 也感恩病毒演化到今天給多數人的症狀不算太重。昏沉沉的時刻,就把工作交給免疫係統吧,let it work hard for you, hopefully stand the impact of a new virus. 

昨天讀了小部分 bill brysson's THE BODY, 再感恩了一遍自己的身體對病毒的適應力,生命的漫長演化是個奇跡,珍惜自己,珍惜健康

from ‘The BODY’:

Altogether it takes 7 billion billion billion (7 octillion) atoms to make you, no one can say why these 7 octillion have such an urgent desire to be you, they are mindless particles , after all without a single thought or notion between them , yet somehow for the length of your existence, they will build and maintain all the countless systems and structures necessary to keep you humming, to make you you , to give you form and shape and let you enjoy the rare and supremely agreeable condition known as life.
the miracle of human life is not that we are endowed with some frailties but that we are swamped with them.  don't forget that your genes come from ancestors who most of the time were even human. Some of them were fish, lots more were tiny and furry and lived in burrows, these are the beings from whom you have inherited your body plan. you are the product of three billion years of evolution tweaks. 
Everything since then has been a long and interesting accident, but a pretty glorious one, too. 
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