住家附近走走,每次都會被被賞心悅目的五月花所吸引,人在凝視花的同時,或許花也領會得到一份善念吧, 人間雖充滿各種苦難,人活下去的動力之一,是這美麗的自然神有神秘的精神力量,引領著熱愛生活的人們去發現生命的真意
Just as humans and animals compete to win a prize or gain an advantage, there is also competition among plants. This competition is both among its own species, as well as against other types of plants and even animals.
Plants seek the rewards of nutrients, water, sunlight, and territory necessary for survival.
One type of competition is comparing the performance with other plants. The "winner" grows the best. Another type of plant competition is head-to-head against other plants. In this case, the winner squeezes out the others to get the most sunlight or such. The third type of competition is where a plant grows at the expense of another plant.
If there are sufficient ingredients, the plants will compete by their performance for reproductive ability.