時下網絡興行,拉近了五湖四海的遊魂。偶或邂逅在博克,在論壇,或因一首詩,或因一句話,兩相共鳴,擊節而賀,彈冠相慶,遂引為推心置腹的知己朋友。心中的歡欣無以抒發、喜悅急於分享,就籠統地說:“ XDJM 也是性情中人。”真所謂“眾裏尋他千百度,驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處。”寥寥數語,其幸福和感激之情躍然紙上。
君在性情中,誰在性情外? 柏拉圖說 : “ 一經愛的觸摸, 每個人都成了詩人。 ” 其實人們需要的不多,不過是一隻觸摸的手。這就是為什麽徐誌摩會呼喚“朋友,你添幾塊煤,一爐的紅焰感念你的殷勤。”這就是為什麽糊塗博克的問候語幾經刪改,唯獨舍不得去掉這一句。推己及人,得空也到各人的園子裏轉轉,伸手扶一下落牆的藤蔓,有時也插一朵小花。嬌豔與否並不那麽重要,重要的是你的關切要讓人感覺得到。
關於理解和回應的價值,有人做過這樣的評論:李澤厚的 “ 幸運 ” 還不止於此。作為一個思想家,他還擁有一大批能夠理解和回應他的人。思想是需要回應的,而智慧也隻能靠智慧去啟迪。如果說我們這一代人從李澤厚那裏得到的是智慧的啟迪,那麽,李澤厚則從我們這裏得到了思想的回應。回應不等於讚同,而毋寧說是一種共鳴,一種靈魂與靈魂之間的呼喚與應答。
WE'RE ALL ALIKE by Jack Williams and Geoff Bartleyhttp://www.bbsland.org/music/heifa.mp3
We’re all alike, we’re all alike We all know the diff’rence ‘tween wrong and right We all put the baby in the cradle at night We all need love and that’s all right We’re all alike It’s always rainin’ when the tire goes flat The dog comes in when you put the cat We’re all gettin’ older – no way around that If it ain’t one thing, it’s gonna be another Take a hold of my hand, I’m runnin’ for cover Brothers and sisters can get so mean Put my ukelele in the washing machine It don’t play no more, but it sure is clean The uke ain’t nothin’ but nylon and wood My family’s all of my flesh and blood
People ‘round here put their foot in my mouth Makes me think of packin’ up, movin’ back south With everybody named “Bubba”, nobody named “Ralph” Sittin’ on the back porch, sweet as you please Spittin’ watermelon seeds on my baby and me Red and yellow, black and tan All the world’s children got to understand It’s gonna be the fire or the fryin’ pan We can make it all better if we work together With an open heart and a willin’ hand
張學友 穿過你的黑發的我的手:
憑什麽要打倒? 憑你在我那兒的評語:
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:) 謝謝你!