
未來之路 ZT

(2010-09-28 12:46:47) 下一個


In Case You Ever Wonder...


Hello, you-

嗨, 說的是你!

the one with that dream in your heart,


that idea on your mind,


that desire that just won't go away.


You wonder...can I do this?


You can do all things. (Philippians. 4:13)

你萬事都能做 ( 腓立比書 4 章 13 節 )

You ask...do I have what it takes?


You've got all you need. (2 Peter 1:3)

你已有了一切所需要的 ( 彼得後書 1 章 3 節 )

You question...is who I am okay?


You're more than okay, you're His. (Psalm 139:14)

你太可以了, 你是屬於他的 ( 詩篇 139 章 14 節 )

So go for it.

所以, 放心去吧。

Dare to make that difference, take that step, follow that dream. God will go with you, and love will see you through.

敢於不同凡響,邁開步伐, 追隨你那個夢想。 上帝會與你同去, 愛會陪伴你。

you can outrun the past


Sometimes the past chases you.


You hear its footsteps in the alley of your mind.


Listen even closer and you'll hear the heartbeat of One who loves you.

更仔細地聽 --- 你會聽到那一位愛你的,他的心跳。

Instead of behind you, He stands before you, arms open, always saying, "Come to Me.

他沒有在你後麵,卻站在你的前麵,雙臂張開, 總是說:“ 到我這兒來!

I'm stronger than the past.


I'm even more real than those memories.




right here, right now,

就在這裏, 就是現在

and I will be your future too."

我也會是, 你的未來。”

All that is behind you fades away and you are safe where you belong. The only sounds now are His steps, yours following, as you walk toward His plans together.

所有在你身後的都會褪去,你安然屬於你所屬於的。 此刻唯一的聲音便是他的足音, 和你跟隨的腳步, 當你全心向他的計劃走去。

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

"我知道我向你們所懷的意念, 主說, “是賜祝福的意念,不是降災禍的意念,而是給你希望和未來的意念。”耶利米書 29 章 11 節。


September 26, 2010

Hey, you...

...the one who's had a hard week,

or who's dreaming that dream,

or who's somewhere in-between.

I'm praying for you today...

asking God to come into

the middle of your circumstances,

the middle of your road,

the middle of your life,

and do what only He can do.

I'm asking Him to wrap

His arms around your heart,

fill you up with love from deep inside,

give you peace that passes understanding,

and set your heart free in new ways.

I'm praying He gives you

everything you ask...

and more than you can imagine

because I believe He's got good plans for you

and I know He's going to see you through.

So know you're loved...

and keep holding on to the One who will never let go of you.

來源: http://blog.dayspring.com/

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苗青青 回複 悄悄話
9月26 日在俺的私人信箱收到這封英文郵件, 為了看原文,俺點擊文章給的鏈接, 卻發現,不是這篇文章, 而是另一篇禱告詞。

奇怪呀,那這封郵件裏的文字是誰寫的誰發來的, 難道是隻寫給我的嗎, 還是給一群人的。

我想起The Sack 小說中, 主人公在自己信箱裏收到一封信, 署名是Papa. 他隨著這封信說的去探險, 隨後發生了一連串兒有趣的改變他整個生活的故事。。。

我也一樣懷著濃厚興趣,要看看這信告訴我的事未來如何發生。生命是一個旅程,一個very fascinating journey!