
God-Sized Dream

(2010-06-28 08:48:27) 下一個

連續二周忙著案子的事,內部外部的意見協調,幾天沒來得及看郵箱。今天看的時候, 發現一封信在裏麵,讀來很有餘味。 恰好我的team 裏有一二個為了個人榮譽明爭暗鬥的事情, 今天我便借著感謝大家的機會把這封信發給每個人, 告訴她們, 上帝喜歡願意默默做小事的人。 小的就是美的,不要覺得事情太小, 擺不上台麵,為那些驕傲的人所不屑一顧而煩惱。 上帝比人有鑒賞力, 而他喜歡悄悄做小事的人, 也喜歡那些微小的事情都做的漂亮。。。

You've Got What It Takes 

I've been thinking lately about how we're told to believe in ourselves. I think it's really more about believing in the God who lives in us.  
Don't you?

When we think of it that way, we've got what it takes.
After all, we've got Him.  
Now glory be to God, who by His mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream - infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes. Ephesians TLB

 God-sized Dreams 

June 24, 2010   

God-sized dreams...can be small
In our world of super-size fries, "small" can get overlooked.   
But not in God's world. 
He likes small. 

A baby in a manger. 
Faith like a mustard seed. 
He just needs a little to do a lot. 
I was reminded of that as I read One Small Barking Dog: How to Live a Life that's Hard to Ignore by Ed Gungor:   

"Fall in love with the ordinary. Dare to believe that the minor details of your life matter to God. Dare to believe that you're not a mistake. Besides, being ordinary and small may actually be evidence that God took extra time to make you that way. Why?   
Because being small sets you up to fit in places that big cannot."  

The apostle Paul said, "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life."  
Sometimes the dreams the world sees as small, the ones that seem as if they hardly have a voice, turn out to be the loudest and most meaningful of all. 

Psst...lean in and let me whisper this to your heart.   
You matter. 
Your dream matters.  
You're making a difference. 
We need you. 
Keep it up.

- Holley Gerth, DaySpring Writer 

God Thinks You're Wonderful  

So promise me you'll never forget... 
that you aren't an accident or an incident...
you are a gift to the world,
a divine work of art, signed by God.  
You were knit together. 
You weren't mass produced.
You aren't an assembly -line product.  
You were deliberately planned, 
specifically gifted,
and lovingly position on this earth...
by the Master Crafts-Man.

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Love in Christ!
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