The Philosophy of football game:
Brock Kelley: You don't want us to win games?
Grant Taylor: No. Not if that's our main goal. Winning football games is too small a thing to live for. And I love football as much as anybody. But even championship trophies will collect dust and one day be forgotten. It's just that so far this has all been about us; how we can look good, how we can get the glory. The more I read this book, the more I realize that life's not about us. We're not here to get glory, make money, and die. The Bible says that God put us here for Him. To honour Him. Jesus said that the most important thing you can do with your life is to love God with everything you are, to love others and yourself. So if we win every game and we miss that, we've done nothing. Football then means nothing. So I'm here to present you a new team philosophy. I think that football is just one of the tools we use to honor God.
Brock Kelley: So you think that God does care about football?
Grant Taylor: I think He cares about your faith. He cares about where your heart is. And if you can live your faith out on the football field then yes, God cares about football because He cares about you. He sent His son Jesus to die for us so we could live for Him. That's why we're here. But see, it's not just on the football field; we've got to honor Him in our relationships, our respect for authority, in the classroom, and when you're at home alone surfing the internet. I want God to bless this team so much that people talk about what He did. But it means we got to give Him our best in every area. If we win, we praise Him. And if we loose, we praise Him. Either way, we honour Him with our actions and our attitudes. So I'm asking you: what are you living for? I've resolved to give God everything I've got. Then I'll leave the results up to Him. I want to know if you'll join me?
體育的目標不是友誼第一, 比賽第二, 而是行動第一, 態度第一, 不是為了我自己贏得漂亮, 也不是為了父老鄉親臉上有光, 是為了以我的信心,行為,態度榮耀上帝而訓練比賽。 做最好的努力, 然後接受結果。
訓練 Brock 做 Death Crawl 的時候, Brock 認為他背人爬行最多堅持三十碼。 教練蒙起他眼睛,叫他爬到趴下為止, 他爬了 100 碼! 讓人感慨的是, 每個人其實對自己潛能的判斷力都是大大保守的, 這就是為什麽,讓上帝在我們生命中做主,和自己做主結果完全不同。
The Philosophy of a kicker:
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: You act like you gonna miss before you even kick the ball. See, we're gonna have to change your whole kicking philosophy. Now see, you kick it wide left, or wide right, but that ain't gonna get you home. The ball has got to go through the middle.
David Childers: I know, coach.
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: No, no, no. You don't. Now what does scripture say about this? Scripture says wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction. And many that be there find it. Now to us; that's wide left, and wide right. But narrow is the gate and straight is the way that leads to life, and few that be there find it. Anybody can kick it wide left and wide right. My momma can kick it wide left and wide right. But that ain't gonna get you home. It don't have to look great. It don't have to look smooth. It can look like a dying duck. But the ball has got to go through the middle. Now David, you gonna have to choose the narrow way. Cause that's the only path where you gonna get your reward.
踢球要命中才有分數上升的報答,如果老是滿足於踢到球門外, 能得到什麽呢, 什麽也得不到。 足球的目標是踢進球門, 生命的目的是進入通往永恒的窄們, 這才是有用功。
有時候太在乎外表的光環反而束縛了心靈,放不開, 踢不進。教練的作用是隨時提醒球員,扔掉那些沒用的,一心一意追求那有用的。
Facing a stronger team in the State Championship:
Grant Taylor : I'm a bit nervous. It's the championship. It's kind of surreal for me.
Mark Richt: Well, I can promise you. I don't care what level of ball you're coaching; it's surreal when you make it to the championship game. And Grant, I can just tell you: I'm so proud of you and what you've done. I've been reading about the team and where you've gone, and more than anything else I'm just proud of the fact that you finally learned to win the big one.
Grant Taylor: Well, we haven't played them yet.
Mark Richt: No, you won the big one when you accepted Christ. And now that you're teaching these guys and ministering to them, I think it's just fantastic.
Grant Taylor: I got it. These players got it.
Mark Richt: Well, I can promise you: win or loose this game, you guys are champions.
Grant Taylor: I appreciate that.
Mark Richt: But while you're here, you might as well win it, eh?
Grant Taylor: I will try my best. You know, this team we're playing: they're huge, they're fast, they're strong. I just don't want my players to be afraid.
Mark Richt: Well, in God's word He said 365 different times, "Do not fear." Now if He says it that many times, you know He's serious about it, don't ya?
Grant Taylor : We weren't supposed to have a winning season, but we do. We weren't supposed to advance to the playoffs, but we did. We're not supposed to be here, but we are.
Grant Taylor : God can do whatever He wants to do, however He wants to do it. And He chooses to work in our lives because He loves us. He's good. Hope today's a milestone for what He can do for the rest of your life if you trust Him.
麵對強手, 有信心者, 便是冠軍, 不在乎是輸是贏,上帝的原則帶領我,輸贏都有益處, 都能用得好。
Key moment, a critical kick:
Grant Taylor : You-ve got to give me your best, and leave the rest to God. Don-t walk off this field without even doing your best.
最大的風險也是最大的機遇。你拿他怎麽用,教練說:你不能浪費這個機會, 相信上帝, 把你最好的獻出來。
Defense philosophy :
教練說,防守, 就像尼希米組織人建造上帝的城牆,每個人負責一段兒牆的建造和防守, 讓它堅固,而且負責到底, 哪一寸都讓對方無法攻破。 這也要拿出最好的。當隊員感到疲勞恐懼時,教練說:堅持一刻, 再堅持一刻, 好教練天天訓練隊員, 了解隊員的能力極限在哪裏,他要讓隊員們可以自豪地說我那天真的把最好的拿出來了!