
基督裏的自由 十二 你向哪裏行?

(2009-08-18 01:55:37) 下一個

Session 12


Where Are You Heading?


Focus Verse


1 Timothy 1:5: The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

提摩太前書 1 章 15 節:這命令的目標就是愛,這愛是從清潔的心和無愧的良心和真誠的信心生出來的。



To understand how faith relates to the goals and desires we have for our lives so that we can live a life of genuine freedom in Christ and become the person God created us to be.

理解信心如何與我們對生活的目標和欲望相關,以便我們能夠過一個真正在基督裏得自由的生命, 並成為上帝創造我們時要我們成為的人。

Focus Truth


Nothing and no one can keep us from being the person God created us to be.




What would you like to do before the end of your life?




Read John 10:28-29 and Jude 24-25. Praise God that He is able to complete the work that He started in you.

閱讀約翰福音 10 章 28-29 節以及猶大書 24-25 節。讚美上帝因他能夠完成他在你裏麵已經開始進行的工作。


Your Christian Walk Is The Result of What You Believe


We have all come to believe that certain things will give us satisfaction, significance, fun, etc. But will they actually deliver the goods or are the goals we have developed faulty in some way?

我們都相信,某些東西會給我們帶來滿足, 意義,樂趣,等等。 但它們會真正帶來物質利益嗎?還是我們擬定的目標有某些偏差?

Feelings Are God’s Red Flag of Warning


Who knows best how we can be fulfilled and happy and peaceful? God !


God has equipped us with a feedback system that is designed to grab our attention so that we can check the validity of the direction we are heading in: our emotions.


When an experience or a relationship leaves us feeling angry, anxious or depressed, those emotional signposts are there to alter us to the possibility that we may be working towards a faulty goal which is based on a wrong belief.


Anger Signals A Blocked Goal


Anxiety Signals An Uncertain Goal


Depression Signals An Impossible Goal


Pause for thought 1

思考問題 1

Do you agree that emotions can indicate whether your goals are in line with God’s will?


How do people typically respond to blocked goals? What has been your tendency when you don’t get your own way, or someone or something is keeping you from doing what you want to do?


Depression is often the result of negative perceptions of the future, circumstances around us, and ourselves. How can those perceptions (beliefs) be overcome by faith in God?

壓抑通常是因為對於將來, 周圍的環境和我們自己有負麵看法的結果,這些看法如何能夠通過對上帝的信仰克服掉?

Wrong Responses When Our Goals Are Frustrated


If we believe that our sense of worth is dependent on other people and circumstances we will try to manipulate those people and circumstances.


Turning Bad Goals Into Good Goals


If God has a goal for your life, can it be blocked, or is its fulfillment uncertain or impossible? No!

如果上帝給你的生命設定了一個目標,這目標能受阻嗎?或者,這個目標的實現是不確定的或不可能的嗎? 不是!

No God-given goal can, therefore be dependent on people or circumstances that we have no right or ability to control.


The Difference Between A “Goal” And A “Desire”


A good goal is any specific orientation that reflects God’s purpose for your life and does not depend on people or circumstances beyond your ability or right to control.

一個好的目標反應了上帝對你生命目的任何具體引導, 它不依賴於超出你的控製能力和權利以外的人和環境。

The only person who can block a godly goal or make it uncertain or impossible is you.


What do we do with a goal whose fulfillment is in itself a good thing but which depends on events or circumstances that we can’t control? We need to downgrade it in our thinking from a goal, upon which our whole sense of who we are depends, to what we might call “a godly desire”.

A godly desire is any specific result that depends on the cooperation of other people, the success of events or favorable circumstances which you have no right or ability to control.

如果一個目標的實現本身是一件好事,但它的實現取決於我們不能控製的事件或者環境,我們怎麽辦? 我們需要在思想中把這個目標從一個“目標” —-- 那是我們整個人的身份所依賴的事情 ---- 降格為一個可以稱為“聖潔願望”的東西。


The Goal Is To Become the Person God Called You To Be


God Wants Us To Become Like Jesus


“It is God’s will that you should be sanctified” (1 Thessalonians 4:3). Sanctification (becoming like Jesus) is God’s will (goal) for our lives. Nobody and nothing on earth can keep you from being the person God called you to be.

“神的旨意就是要你們成為聖潔”(帖撒羅尼迦前書 4 章 3 節)。 成聖(稱為基督的樣式)是神給我們生命的旨意(目標)。世上沒有任何事任何人能阻擋你成為上帝呼召你要你成為的人。

The difficulties we face are actually a means of achieving our supreme goal of becoming more like Jesus:

“We rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”(Romans 5:3-5).


“ 我們在患難中也是歡歡喜喜的。 因為知道患難生忍耐,忍耐出性格,性格生盼望。 盼望不至於灰心,因為神通過賜給我們的聖靈將他的愛澆灌在我們心裏。”(羅馬書5章3-4節)。

God’s goal with our life is to do with our character – what we are like – rather than with what we do.


Pause For Thought 2


Can you see how differenciating between goals and desires can have a tremendous effect on you and your freedom? How? What is God’s primary goal for your life ? Why can’t it be blocked? Is it liberating or convicting to know that nothing and no one can keep you from being the person God created you to be?

你是否明白區分“目標”和“願望”對於你和你的自由有多麽巨大的效果? 這個效果是如何產生的? 什麽是上帝給你的生命設定的首要目標? 為何它不能被攔阻?知道沒有任何事任何人能阻擋你成為上帝造你要你成為的那個人,對你來說是一種解脫還是一種指責? 

When Our Goal Is Love


Paul says, “The goal of our instruction is love” (1 Timothy 1: 5). Love is the character of God, because God is love (1 John 4:7,8).

If you make godly character your primary goal then the fruit of the Spirit that will be produced in your life is love, joy (instead of depression), peace (instead of anxiety), and patience (instead of anger).

保羅說,“我們教導的目標就是愛”(提摩太前書1 章5節)。愛是上帝的性格,因為神就是愛(約翰一書4章7,8 節)。

如果你把像神的性格作為你的首要目標,那麽聖靈在你生命中會結出的果實就是愛, 喜樂(而不是壓抑),和平(而不是焦慮),和忍耐(而不是憤怒)。



Can distinguishing between goals and desires help you to be a more effective witness?


Questions for Groups


1. Do you agree that your emotions can indicate whether your goals are in line with God’s will?

1 .你是否同意,你的情緒能指明你的目標是否與上帝的旨意相符?

2. How do people typically respond to blocked goals? What has been your tendency when someone or something is keeping you from doing what you want to do?

2 .人們對於目標受阻通常如何反應?當有什麽事或什麽人阻擋你做你想要做的事,你趨向於如何反應? 

3. Depression is often the result of negative perception of the future, circumstances around us, and ourselves. How can those perceptions (beliefs) be overcome by faith in God?

3 壓抑通常是對於未來,和周圍的環境和我們自己負麵看法的結果。 這些負麵看法如何能用信仰上帝來克服?

4. Can you see how differentiating between goals and desires can have a tremendous effect on you and your freedom? How?

4 .你能理解區分目標和願望如何能對你和你的自由產生巨大影響嗎?

5. What is God’s primary goal for your life? Why can’t it be blocked?

5 .什麽是上帝為你生命設定的首要目標?為何它不可能被阻擋?

6. Is it liberating or convicting to know that nothing or anything can keep you from being the person God created you to be? Why?

6 . 知道沒有任何事任何人能阻擋你成為上帝造你要你成為的那個人,對你來說是一種解脫還是一種指責 ?  為什麽?

To take away


Suggestions For Your Quiet Times This Week:


This coming week, take the time to evaluate your faith by completing the What Do I Believe? questions on the next page. You will not be asked to share how you are dong with the rest of the group. Give some serious thought as to how you would complete the sentences.

下麵一周裏,填寫“我相信什麽”的問題表格,並花時間評估你的信仰,不要求你和組裏他人分享你填的內容。 認真想想,如何填寫每一個問題,完成答句。

Big Questions (to consider before the next session):


If you discover that your goals are not the same as God’s goals for your life, would you be willing to change what you believe?




1. How successful am I?  1。我有多成功?

I would be more successful if ----------------------------


2. How significant am I?  2。我多有意義?

I would be more significant if-------------------------------


3. How fulfilled am I?  3。我有多充實? 

I would be more fulfilled if-------------------------------


4. How satisfied am I?  4。我有多滿足?

I would be more satisfied if ------------------------------


5. How happy am I?  5。我有多幸福?

I would be more happy if ----------------------------------


6. How much fun am I having?  6。我有多少樂趣?

I would have mire fun if ------------------------------------


7. How secured am I?  7。我有多安全?

I would be more secured if -----------------------------------

我會更覺安全,如果我 ―――――――――――――――――――――

8. How peaceful am I?  8。我有多平安?

I would be more peaceful if-----------------------------------


約翰福音 8 章 32 節:你們必認識真理,真理必叫你們得自由。

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