Session 9
Forgiving From the Heart
Focus Verse
Matthew 18:34-35: In anger his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed. This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart .
馬太福音18章34-35 節:主人大怒, 我把他交給掌刑的,等他還清了所欠的債。 我的天父也要這樣待你們,如果你們不從心裏饒恕你們的弟兄。
To recognize what forgiveness is and what is not, and to learn how to forgive from the heart.
Focus Truth
In order to experience our freedom in Christ, we need to relate to other people in the same way that God relates to us--- on the basis of complete forgiveness and acceptance.
Read Matthew 18: 21-25 or act it out using the script on page 72. Then try to put yourself in the place of one of the characters and say what strikes you most about the story.
閱讀馬太福音18章21-25節,或者用課文後麵的劇本來表演。 試試扮演其中的一個角色,說說這個故事裏什麽內容最使你吃驚。
Suggested theme: God’ forgiveness of us (Psalm 103:1-12; Hebrews 10:19-22).
建議的主題: 神對我們的饒恕。(詩篇103章1-12節,希伯來書10章19-22節)
The Need to Forgive
“If you forgive anyone, I also forgive him. And what I have forgiven --- if there was anything to forgive--- I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake, in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes” (2 Corinthians 2:10-11).
你們赦免誰,我也赦免誰,我若有所赦免的,是在基督麵前為你們赦免的,免得撒旦趁機勝過我們(哥林多後書2章10-11 節)。
Nothing keeps you in bondage to the past more than an unwillingness to forgive. Nothing gives Satan greater opportunity to stop a church growing than roots of bitterness, the evidence of personal unforgiveness, and pride.
It Is Required by God (Matthew 6:9-15)
We must learn to relate to others on the same basis that God relates to us.
It Is Essential for Our Freedom (Matthew 18:21-35)
We need to understand the extent of our own debt. Those who have been forgiven much love much. Those who have been forgiven little love little.
我們需要明白我們自己欠債的程度。得到饒恕多的也要饒恕別人多, 得到饒恕少的饒恕別人也少。
Pause for thought 1
Do you sometimes feel that your sins weren’t “ that bad” compared to others’?
How much have you been forgiven? Little or much?
Repayment is impossible
Mercy is required
So that no advantage can be taken of you (2 Corinthians 2: 10-11)
還債是不可能的,憐憫是需要的,好不叫撒旦利用了你。(哥林多後書2 章10-11節)
What Does It Mean to Forgive From The Heart?
Jesus warns that, if you do not forgive from your heart, you will suffer some kind of spiritual torment.
We recommend a formular: “ Lord, I choose to forgive (name)_______ For (specifically identify every remembered pain and hurt inflicted on you)________________, which made me feel____________”.
Forgiveness must be extended to others (Ephesians 4:31-32). However, the crisis is only between God and us.
饒恕必須延及別人,(以弗所書 4章31-32節)。 但危機隻發生在上帝和我們個人之間。
We Forgive to Stop the Pain
It is for our sake that we forgive. “But you don’t know how much that hurt me.” Don’t you see that they are still hurting you? How do you stop the pain? By forgiving.
We think that by forgiving someone we let them off the hook--- but by not forgiving them we stay hooked to the pain and the past.
正是為了自己,我們才饒恕人。“但你不知道這事給我多大傷害”。你沒看見它還在繼續對你造成傷害麽? 你如何能停止痛苦? 通過饒恕人。
Pause For Thought 2
Naturally speaking, none of us would want to remember past hurts. Is it necessary to do so in order genuinely to forgive? Do you agree that the crisis of forgiveness is between you and God rather than between you and the other person? Does it feel like that?
Who continues to feel pain when there is no forgiveness: the offender or the offended?
一般說來,我們都不想記住過去的傷害。真正的饒恕是不是有必要? 你是否同意,饒恕的危機是在你和上帝之間而不是在你和你所饒恕的那人之間? 你感覺是不是這樣?
What Is Forgiveness?
Not Forgetting
You can’t get rid of a hurt simply by trying to forget it.
Not Tolerating Sin
Not Seeking Revenge
“ Do not take revenge, me friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19)
The justice is in the cross.
Resolving To Live With the Consequences of Sin
Everybody is living with the consequences of somebody else’s sin. The only real choice we have is to do that in the bondage of bitterness or the freedom of forgiveness.
Forgiveness is to set a captive free and then realize that you were the captive.
每個人都在忍受別人的罪的後果。我們能有的唯一真正的選擇是在苦毒的束縛中忍受,還是在饒恕的自由中承受。 饒恕就是給一個痛苦的俘虜自由, 然後意識到你就是那俘虜。
Pause For Thought 3
How has this session changed your view of what forgiveness is or is not?
Next time someone offends you, will you be quicker to forgive? Why/why not?
下一次某人傷害了你,你會很快地饒恕麽? 為什麽/為什麽不?
How might this question of forgiveness challenge someone who is not yet a Christian? Are there any ways you can demonstrate forgiveness to someone who does not yet know the Lord?
這個饒恕的問題對於還不是基督徒的人是怎樣一個挑戰? 你有沒有什麽方法可以用來對那些還不認識主的人說明如何饒恕?
Questions for Groups
1. How much have you been forgiven? Little or much?
2. Do you sometimes feel that your sins weren’t “ that bad” compared to others?
3. Naturally speaking, none of us would want to remember past hurts. Is it necessary to do so in order to truly forgive?
4. Do you agree that the crisis of forgiveness is between you and God rather than between you and the other person? Does it feel like that?
5. Who continues to feel pain when there is no forgiveness: the offender or the offended?
6. How has this session changed your view of what forgiveness is or is not?
7. Next time someone offends you, will you be quicker to forgive? Why/why not?
1. 你得到了多少饒恕,很少還是很多?
2. 你是否有時認為,你的罪和別人比起來不怎麽大?
3. 一般來說,我們都不想記住過去的傷害。 為了真正饒恕,是不是有必要回憶它?
4. 你是否認為饒恕的危機發生在你和上帝之間,而不是你和另外一個人之間? 感覺是否如此?
5. 當不饒恕時,誰繼續感受傷害的痛苦,傷害人者還是被傷害者?
6. 這一課如何幫助你改變了關於什麽是饒恕什麽不是的看法?
7. 下一次某人傷害了你,你是否要更快地饒恕, 為什麽/為什麽不?
To take away
Suggestions For Your Quiet Times This Week:
Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare your heart by leading you into all truth and starting to reveal to you the areas you will need to bring into the light when you go through “The Steps To Freedom In Christ.”
Big Questions (to consider before the next session):
How you grown as a Christian as quick as you would have liked? If not, what do you think has got in the way?
你作為一個基督徒的成長是否向你想像的那般快? 如果不是,你認為是什麽阻攔了成長?
Dramatisation of Matthew 18:21-25
馬太福音的劇本 18 章21-25 節
Characters: Peter, Jesus, Servant1, Servant 2, Master
Peter: Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?
主啊,我弟兄得罪我,我當饒恕他幾次呢? 到七次可以嗎?
Jesus: I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.
Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. As he began the settlement, a man who owned him ten thousand talents was brought to him. Since he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold to repay the debt.
我告訴你,不是到七次,而是到七十個七次。 天國就好像一個王要和他仆人算賬。 才開始算的時候,有人帶了一個欠一千萬銀子的人來,因為他沒有什麽償還之物,主人吩咐把他和他妻子兒女,都並一切所有的都賣了償還。
The servant fell on his kneed before him.
Servant 1: Be patient with me, and I will pay back everything.
Jesus: The servant’s master took pity on him cancelled the debt and let him go. But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owned him a hundred denarii. He grabbed him and began to choke him.
仆人的主人憐憫他,購銷了他的欠債讓他走了。 但當那個仆人出去後,他發現他的另一位仆人朋友欠他十兩銀子,便揪著他,掐住他的喉嚨。
Servant 1: Pay back what you owe me!
Jesus: His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him:
Servant 2: Be patient with me, and I will pay back.
Jesus: But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. When the other servants saw what had happened, they were greatly distressed and went and told their master everything that had happened.
Then the master called the servant
Master: You wicked servant, I cancelled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?
Jesus: In anger his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed.
This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart.
Steps to Forgiveness
1. Ask the Lord to Reveal to Your Mind the People You need to Forgive
Make a list of everyone the Lord brings to your mind. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and write the names on a separate piece of paper. Even if you think there is no one, just ask God to bring up all the right names.
寫一個清單包括主使你想到的每一個人。 請求聖靈引導你在一張紙上寫下這些人的名字。 即使你覺得沒有這麽個人,也請求神讓你想到這樣一些人名。
The two most overlooked are yourself and God.
Forgiving yourself
Only God can forgive your sins --- but for many people, especially perfectionists, the hardest person for them to forgive is themselves, for letting themselves down. You are in effect accepting God’s forgiveness and refusing to listen to the devil’s accusations. Some people are really helped by being able to say, “I forgive myself for (list everything you hold against yourself), and let myself off my own hook.”
隻有神能赦免罪-----但對對很多人來說,尤其是追求完美的人,最難讓他們饒恕的是他們自己讓自己失敗的情況。 你實際上是在接受神的赦免,拒絕傾聽撒旦的譴責。 有些人如果他們自己能說出來, “我原諒我自己(寫下過去做過的一些你認為不能接受的事情),讓我自己從自己的譴責中解脫出來”, 則對他們真很有幫助。
Forgiving God
Forgiving God is harder to understand because God has done nothing wrong. He always acted in your best interests.
Because you have not understood God’s larger plan, or because you have blamed God for something that other people or the devil have done, you may have felt that God has let you down.
Many people feel disappointed with God, even angry with Him, because He didn’t answer their prayer; He didn’t seem to be there for them. They cried out for help and nothing came. Usually they are embarrassed to admit it. But God knows anyway and He’s big enough to handle it.
很多人對神失望,甚至生氣,因為他沒有回應他們的禱告;他似乎沒有幫助他們。他們求救,但是什麽也沒得著。 通常人們不敢承認, 覺得難為情。但上帝都知道,他有足夠力量處理這種情況。
If you feel uncomfortable telling God you forgive Him, say something like, “I release the expectations, thoughts and feelings I have had against you.”
2. Acknowledge the Hurt and the Hate
Jesus instructed us to forgive from the heart. That’s much more than simply saying “ I forgive” and pretending we’ve dealt with it. To forgive from the heart we need to face the hurt and the hate. People try to suppress their emotional pain, but it is trying to surface so that we can let it go.
耶穌教導人們從心裏饒恕。這比僅僅說出“我饒恕”並且假裝我們已經處理好它的情況更要深入。 要從內心裏饒恕,我們就要正視傷害和仇恨。人們試圖壓抑情緒的痛苦,但隻有努力讓它浮出水麵,我們才能讓它成為過去。
3. Understand the Significance of the Cross
The cross is what makes forgiveness legally and morally right.
Jesus has already taken upon Himself your sin and the sins of the person who has hurt you. He died “once for all” (Hebrews 10:10). When your heart says, “It isn’t fair”, remember that the justice is in the cross.
耶穌已經把你的罪以及傷害你的人的罪擔在了他的身上。 當你的心中說:“這不公平”時, 要記住,公義在十字架上。
4. Decide that You will Bear the Burden of Each Person’s Sin
You need to make a choice not to use the information you have against that person in the future.
“He who covers an offence promotes love, but whoever repeats the mater separates those friends.” (Proverbs 17:9).
That doesn’t mean you never testify in a court of law --- However, you do it not in the bitterness of unforgiveness but having first forgiven from your heart.
5. Decide to Forgive
Forgiveness is a crisis of the will. If you wait until you feel like doing it, you probably never will.
You may feel you can’t do it--- but would God really tell you to do something you couldn’t do? When he says that you can do all things in Christ, is that true or not? The reality is that you have a choice to make --- are you going to remain in bitterness, hooked to the past, giving the enemy an entrance to your mind; or are you going to get rid of it once and for all?
You choose to forgive, and in making that choice you are agreeing to live with sin and its consequences. You are choosing to let God be the avenger, and trust Him to bring justice in the end. You choose to take it to the cross and leave it there.
The gates of hell can’t prevail against the
地獄之門不會勝過神的國度。沒有人能阻擋你成為神造你要成為的樣子。隻有你自己能夠阻擋自己。你需要饒恕,仁慈,像基督愛你一樣地愛別人。讓那個人從你的生活中走出去,開始你的新生活, 在基督裏自由地走開。
6. Take Your List to God
To forgive from your heat, say:” Lord, I choose to forgive my father” and then specify what you are forgiving him for. Stay with the same person until you told the Lord every pain and hurt that has surfaced and be as specific as you can. It is then helpful to take it a step further and say how it made you feel: “ I choose to forgive my father for leaving us, which made me feel abandoned.”
要從你心裏饒恕,就要說:“主啊,我選擇饒恕我的父親”並指出你饒恕他什麽事情。先集中在一個人身上,告訴主你受到的每一個痛苦和傷害,盡量具體。 然後,再進一步,說出這些傷害帶給你的感覺是什麽:比如“我選擇饒恕我的父親,他離開了我們,使我感到被拋棄”。
Tears will often come at this point, but this is not about trying to get somebody to cry. It’s making sure that it’s as thorough as possible. One lady said, “I can’t forgive my mother. I hate her.” Having recognized her real feelings of hatred, now for the first time she probably could forgive--- if she didn’t admit that she hate her, she couldn’t forgive.
Pray as follows for each person you need to forgive: “Lord, I choose to forgive (name of the person) for (what they have done or failed to do), which made me feel (verbally tell the Lord every hurt and pain He brings to your mind)”.
此時常常會流淚, 但這個過程不是要讓人哭泣。隻是要確定盡可能地徹底。一位女士說,“我沒法饒恕我母親, 我恨她。” 由於承認她真實的仇恨感受,現在,她或許可以第一次開始饒恕她---如果她不承認她恨她,她也就不能饒恕她。
照下麵的方法為你需要饒恕的每一個人禱告:“主,我選擇饒恕(人名),饒恕她他對我作的事(做錯的或者沒做到的事), 這使我感受痛苦(告訴主你想到的每一個傷害和痛苦)”。
Take careful note of what is said after the statement “which made me fell”. What often occurs is repeated patterns (eg “abandoned”, “stupid”, “dirty”). You can tear down those strongholds by saying, for example: “ I renounce the lie that I am stupid. I announce the truth that I have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16); “I renounce the lie that I am abandoned. I announce the truth that God has promised never to leave me nor forsake me”(Hebrews13:5). We will look at a specific strategy for doing this in Session 10. There is space on page 78 for you to write down what comes up.
注意在“這使我感到”這句話的後麵要說的話。常常會出現重複的話語,(例如,“被拋棄”,“愚蠢”,“肮髒”)。拆除這些頑固堡壘你可以說這樣一些話:比如:“我拒絕說我愚蠢的謊言。我宣告真理是我有基督的心”(哥林多後書 2 章16 節)。“我拒絕關於我被拋棄的謊言,我宣告真理是,神已經應許絕不離開我拋棄我 (希伯來書13 章5 節)。我們將在第十課裏探討具體的方式。本課最後一頁上有空白,供你寫下想到的話。
7. Destroy the List
7. 撕掉清單
You are now free from those people and those events in the past.
8. Do not Expect that Your Decision to Forgive Will Result in Major Changes in Others
Forgiving others is primarily about you and your relationship with God. Pray for those you have forgiven, that they may be blessed and that they too may find the freedom of forgiveness( see Matthew 5:44; 2 Corinthians 2:7).
饒恕他人主要是你和上帝之間關係的事情。為那些你所饒恕的人祈求,好使他們得到恩惠,也使他們找到饒恕的自由 (見馬太福音5 章44 節,哥林多後書2章7節)。
9. Try to Understand the People You Have Forgiven
You may find it helpful to understand some of what the other person was going through, but don’t go so far as to rationalize away the sin—this is not about saying “It didn’t matter”, because it did.
10. Expect Positive Results of Forgiveness in You
Forgiveness is not about feeling good; it’s about being free. However, good feelings will follow eventually. You will need to concentrate on renewing your mind so that negative ways of thinking are replaced by the truth.
11. Thank God for the Lessons You have Learned and the Maturity You have Gained
You are now free to move on and grow as a Christian.
你現在可以自由前行, 做一個生命成長的基督徒了。
12. Accept Your Part of the Blame for the Offences you Suffered
12 對於你過去經受的得罪,接受你該受的那部分責備
Confess your part in any sin and know that you are forgiven. If you realize that someone has something against you, go to them and be reconciled. Confess your own wrongdoing rather than bringing up anything they did.
坦承你所犯的罪,悔改,並知道你得到了饒恕。如果你意識到某些人有某些事得罪了你,去接觸他們,與他們和好。 坦承你做錯的事,而不是指責他們的行為。
Uncovering Strongholds
As you go through Step 3(Forgiveness) of the Steps to Freedom In Christ, you are encouraged to pray as follows for each person you need to forgive: “Lord, I choose to forgive (name of the person) for ( what they did or failed to do), which made me feel (Verbally tell the Lord every hurt and pain He brings to your mind)”.
Use this page to record the things you say after “which made me feel”.
Some of them will reveal mental strongholds that you can work on.
Session 10 will equip you with a strategy for this.