
基督裏的自由 六 拆除堡壘

(2008-09-18 07:21:25) 下一個

Session 6

Demolishing Strongholds



Focus Verse


2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

哥林多後書 10 章 5 節:我們將各樣計謀, 各樣阻攔人認識神的那些自高之事一概攻破了,又將人所有的心意奪回, 使它都順服基督。



To understand what “strongholds” are and where they come from so that we can dismantle them by renewing our minds.

理解什麽是“堡壘”,它們從何而來, 以便我們改變心智來將其拆毀。

Focus Truth


All of us have mental strongholds, ways of thinking that are not in line with God’s truth.




What is the nastiest thing anyone ever said to you or about you? Were you able to shrug it off or did it stick with you?

別人對你說過的關於你個人的最令你厭煩之事為何 ? 你能夠聳聳肩不屑一顧麽 ? 還是它揮之不去 ?



Suggested theme: God’s Grace. See Ephesians 1:7,8; 1 John 3:1,2.

建議的主題: 神是恩典。 見以弗所書 1 章 7 , 8 節 約翰一書 3 章 1 , 2 節




“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” (Galatians 5:1)

If you are not connecting with the truth, it’s probably because of mental “strongholds” and a lack of repentance.

Ed Silvoso defines a stronghold as:

“A mind-set impregnated with hopelessness that causes us to accept as unchangeable situations that we know are contrary to the will of God.” (That None Should Perish, Ed Silvoso, Regal Books, 1994, p.155)

Strongholds are mental habit patterns of thought that are not consistent with God’s word. They usually show themselves in something less than Christ-like temperament or behavior.

“基督釋放了我們, 教我們得以自由” ( 加拉太書 5 章 1 節。 )


愛德 席爾沃索 將堡壘定義如下:

“一種蘊含著無望的思維定勢,致使我們接受那些明知與神的意誌相反的情形為不可改變的情形”。 ( 一個也不能消失,愛德 席爾沃索, 裏格書局, 1994 , 155 頁 )

堡壘是思想的習慣方式, 與神的話不相一致的方式。它們通常表現為不像基督的性格和行為。

Pause for thought 1

思考問題 1

Does it ever feel as if you can’t do what you know God wants you to do. Or stop doing something you know God want you to stop?

If something is against God’s will, can it be changed? Or, to ask the question a different way, do you think God dangles impossible things before us like a cruel father who tells us to do something that he knows we just cannot do?

你有沒有感覺好像你不能做神要你做的事,或者不能停止神要你停止做的事情 ?

如果有違反神的意誌的事情, 它可以改變麽 ? 或者, 換一種方式來問這個問題,你認為神把不可能的事情推到我們麵前, 像一個冷酷的父親那樣告訴我們去做他明知我們不能做的事麽 ?

How strongholds Are Established


Our Environment


The fallen world we live in is hostile to God

we lived in it every day before we knew Christ

we have been conditioned to conform to it




Traumatic Experiences


Eg a death in the home, a divorce or rape. They set up strongholds because of their intensity.

比如家裏發生的死亡,離婚或者強奸。 這些事件的衝擊能使人建立起頭腦中的堡壘



Strongholds are also formed or reinforced when we repeatedly give in to temptation. Every temptation is an attempt to get you to live your life independently of God. The basis for that temptation is often legitimate needs. The question is: are those needs going to be met by responding to the world, the flesh and the devil, or are they going to be met by Christ who promises to “meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (Philillians 4:19)?

當我們反複屈服於試探,也能形成堡壘。每個試探都企圖讓你獨立於神而活。 這些試探的基礎都是合理需求。 問題是:滿足這些合理需求是通過向世界, 肉身和邪惡做出反應, 還是通過那位應許 “按照耶穌基督豐富的榮耀滿足你一切需求”的耶穌基督 ( 腓力比書 4 章 19 節 )?

“Threshhold thinking”

“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13)


神是信實的, 必不叫你們受試探過於你們所能受的, 在受試探的時候總要給你門開一條路, 叫你們能忍受得住。 ( 哥林多前書 10 章 13 節 )

God has provided a way of escape from all temptation – it’s right at the beginning when the tempting thought first comes into your mind. That’s your opportunity to “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ “ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

神已經提供了脫離一切試探的途徑 --- 就在試探的思維首次進入你腦海之時。 那時是你的機會, 要“將所有的心意奪回, 使其順服基督” ( 哥林多後書 10 章 5 節 ).

Pause For Thought 2


Has it ever felt as if there is no way out of temptation? How can you prepare yourself for future temptation?

你曾經感覺沒有辦法逃離試探麽 ? 你如何預備自己麵對未來的試探 ?

Effects of Strongholds


Faulty View of Reality


“ As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”(Isaiah 55:9)

“天怎樣高過地, 照樣我的道路高過你們的道路, 我的意念高過你們的意念” ( 以賽亞書 55 章 9 節 )

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

“專心仰賴耶和華, 不可依賴自己的聰明, 在你一切所行的事上都要認定他, 他必指引你的路” ( 箴言 3 章 5 節 ) 。

Strongholds tend to prevent us seeing what is really true because of how they make us feel.

堡壘往往阻止我們看見真理, 因為它們給我們那些感覺的緣故。

Bad Choices

( 這裏有一幅圖畫, 朝著懸崖峭壁走是壞的選擇 ) 。

Pause For Thought 3

思考問題 3

How easy do you find it to choose to believe what God says is true even when it doesn’t feel true? Can you think of an example of when you have done this and say what the outcome was?

選擇想信神的話為真理, 即使你的感覺不是這樣的時候, 這樣做是否容易 ? 你能否想起一件事, 你這樣去做了, 結果又如何 ?

Demolishing Strongholds


Do we have to put up with strongholds? No!

“For though we live in the world we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

我們一定得忍受堡壘這些嗎 ? 不!

“因為我們雖然住在世上, 我們不像世界那樣行事征戰。 我們征戰的武器不是屬世的, 相反,它們有神的能力攻破營壘。 我們將各樣的計謀,各樣阻攔人認識神的那些自高之事一概攻破了, 又將人所有的心意奪回,使其順服基督” ( 哥林多後書 10 章 3 至 5 節 ) 。

A Whole Answer

If we want a whole answer, we need to understand that we are up against not only the world and the flesh but also the devil. In the next session we will look at the role of the devil, which is, in fact, the easiest of the three to resolve.


如果我們要一個完整的答案, 我們需要明白, 我們要與這個世界, 肉身及魔鬼對抗。 下一講中,我們要看看魔鬼的作用,事實上,他是三個要克服的問題中最容易的一個。



How easy do you find it to talk about Jesus to those who don’t yet know Him? Do you think that any difficulty might be something to do with strongholds in your mind? Try to work out what lies might be in operation and find some truth in the Bible to commit yourself to.

和那些還不認識耶穌的人談耶穌是否容易 ? 你認為有任何困難可能與你頭腦裏的堡壘有關麽 ? 試著找出可能是哪些謊言在起作用,在聖經裏找出有關真理來接受。

Questions for Groups


1. Do you feel that you are “connecting” with truth as much as you would like to?

2. Do you ever think that you have settled for a “second-best” Christian life?

3. One definition of stronghold is “anything you know is right that you can’t do, or anything that you know is wrong that you can’t stop doing”. If you find yourself doing something that is not in line with God’s will, can you stop? Or, to ask the question a different way, do you think God dangles impossible things before us like a cruel father who tells us to do something that he knows we just cannot do?

4. Has it ever felt as if there is no way out of temptation?

5. How can you prepare yourself for future temptation?

6. How easy do you find it to choose to believe what God says is true even when it doesn’t feel true? Can you give an example of when you have done this and say what the outcome is?

1 。 你認為你與真理“相聯”得像你希望的那麽密切嗎 ?

2 。 你是否想過你已經接受了 一種“次好”的基督徒生活 ?

3. 堡壘的定義之一是“你明知正確卻不能去做, 或者你明知錯誤卻不能停止做的一切事情。” 如果你發現自己在做與神的意願不相符的事,你能否停止 ? 或者, 換一種方式來問這個問題,你認為神把不可能的事情推到我們麵前, 像一個冷酷的父親那樣告訴我們去做他明知我們不能做的事麽 ?

4 。 你是否曾感覺好像沒法脫離試探 ?

5 。 你如何預備應對未來的試探 ?

6 。選擇想信神的話為真理, 即使你的感覺不是這樣的時候, 這樣做是否容易 ? 你能否想起一件事, 你這樣去做了, 結果又如何 ?

To take away


Suggestions For Your Quiet Times This Week:


Meditate on these passages : 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Romans 8:35-39; Philippians 4:12-13.

靜思這些經文段落:哥林多後書 10 章 3 至 5 節, 羅馬書 8 章 35 至 39 節, 腓力比書 4 章 12 , 13 節。

Big Questions (to consider before the next session):


How has Satan deceived you in the past? How is he deceiving you right now?

撒旦是否過去曾經欺騙過你 ? 他現在還在如何欺騙你 ?

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