
Madonna(麥當娜)專輯大全 zt

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  Madonna 1958年8月16日出生於密歇根的羅切斯特,她成為80年代最成功的女性流行歌手。 她最成功的一點是她如何通過她自己的音樂,她的影碟,她的公開的新聞,她的性感來操縱媒體和公眾。
  Madonna在1977年帶著成為一名芭蕾舞演員的夢想從她自己的家鄉密歇根州移居紐約,跟舞蹈教練 Alvin Ailey 和 Modelled 學習跳舞。 1979 年,她成為 The Patrick Hernandez Revue 樂隊的一員,後來她又和 Hernandez 去了巴黎。在那裏,她遇見了Dan Gilroy,不久就成了她的男朋友。在返回紐約前,組建了 The Breakfast Club--一個流行/舞蹈樂隊,Madonna最初隻為樂隊打鼓,但不久就成為了樂隊的領唱。
  Madonna 的個人同名專輯《Madonna》在 1983 年首次發行,“Holiday”成為她在以後幾個月的第 1 首前 40 名的流行單曲。“Borderline”在1984 年 3 月成為她的第 1 首前 10 名的流行單曲,並開始了她不平凡的連續 17 次的前10 名。
  Madonna 的第 2 張專輯 Niles Rodgers 製作的《Like A Virgin》,在 1984 年底發行。主打歌成為了 12 月的第 1 名,並在榜首停留了 6 個星期, 從此開始了這位歌手旋風般的一年。在 1985 年時, Madonna 成為了國際性的名人,在她的時髦,性感錄像和有影響力的個性的有力推動下,她賣了數百萬的唱片。在“Material Girl”成為 3 月份的第 2 名之後,Madonna開始了她的第一次巡回演出。 在 The Beastie Boys 的支持下,“Crazy for You”在5月份成為她的第2首冠軍單曲。
  Madonna 在 1986 年開始和 Patrick Leonard 合作,Leonard 大概合作了她 80 年代裏的大部份最流行的歌.包括“Live to Tell”,1986年6月排行榜第1。 一張比她前兩張專輯更具野地心和才華的唱片《True Blue》在隨後的幾個月發行,因為商業上的區大成功(它同時是美國和英國的第一, 單在美國就賣了超過 500萬張唱片)和評論界的一致好評, “Papa Don't Preach”成為她在美國的第4首單曲冠軍。
  在 1989 年春天的發行的《Like A Prayer》,是她最有雄心和涉及最廣的專輯,混合了流行、搖滾和舞蹈的元素。在1990年4月,她開始了盛大的巡回演出,這一演出貫穿了這一年的全年。
  從 1995 年開始,Madonna 不再走《Erotica》和《Bedtime Stories》的性感路子,要將自己重塑成一個高品味的人物。《Something To Remember》的出版與她的這個計劃很配合得很好,發行於1995 年秋天, 與此同時她贏得了令人垂涎的 Evita Peron 的角色。
  在沉寂了幾年後,在2000年她終於又推出了新的專輯《Music》, 這是一張電子音樂成分很多的大碟, 也讓我們領略到了她的一種新的唱風。
  雖然 Madonna已經是流行樂界的元老級人物了, 但是她的魅力依然入初...

Madonna -《同名專輯》(Madonna)



  1983年麥當娜出版了首張以她名字命名的專輯----《麥當娜》,當時並沒有引起人們的注意。然而不久這張唱片的歌曲成了美國夜總會的必放歌曲,流行程度令人吃驚。單曲“Holiday”又經過市內廣播電台在空中傳播,令人難以置信的是進入了全美最佳20首歌曲的排行榜。不久,專輯中的“Lucky Star”和“Borderline”也走上了她的第一首單曲同樣的成功之路,打上排行榜首。經過錄影帶的廣泛傳播,世界知道了麥當娜,她那令人好奇的外貌:蜂刺狀頭發、裸露的腹部、超短裙和帶著宗教色彩的裝飾品,尤其是那些故意染上的色彩。當麥當娜的這張專輯作品還沒登上排行榜的時候,1984年,華納唱片公司發行了她的唱片集《像個處女》,兩張專輯同時出擊,使麥當娜短時間內就如日中天。1985年,麥當娜單曲和專輯的銷售量超過了任何一位藝術家。

Track Lists
01. Lucky Star
02. Borderline
03. Burning Up
04. I Know It
05. Holiday
06. Think Of Me
07. Physical Attraction
08. Everybody
09. Burning Up (12in Version)
10. Lucky Star (New Mix)

Madonna -《Like a Virgin》

中文名稱:Like a Virgin


這是麥當娜的成名專輯。雖然在此之前她已經推出一張專輯,裏麵歌曲首首都成為美國酒吧夜總會的必放曲目,甚至幾次打上排行榜首位,但真正讓她走紅的專輯便是這張出版於一九八四年年底的第二張專輯《Like A Virgin》,她示範的內衣外穿跟露肚臍立刻成為全球流行時尚。由於“Like A Virgin”專輯走紅全球,麥當娜的家鄉打算頒給她榮譽市鑰表揚她的貢獻,不料此時《花花公子》雜誌刊登了她當年在紐約拍的裸照,取消了這項儀式。 1984年"Like A Virgin"登上冠軍,成為Madonna的首支冠軍單曲。之後的"Material Girl"、"Crazy For You"...等也都創下亮眼的成績。Madonna的演唱事業越發順利,緊接著"Live And Tell"、"Don't Preach"、"Open Your Eyes"、"Who's That Girl"、"Like A Prayer"....冠軍單曲的產生,將Madonna的聲勢推到最高峰,成為地位無人能及的藝界女王。"Like A Virgin"也是流行音樂雜誌《滾石》與MTV音樂電視聯合評選出了自1963年以來世界最偉大的一百首流行歌曲之一。

Track Lists
01. Material Girl
02. Angel
03. Like A Virgin
04. Over And Over
05. Love Don't Live Here Anymore
06. Into The Groove
07. Dress You Up
08. Shoo Bee Doo
09. Pretender
10. Stay

Madonna -《純藍》(True Blue)

英文名稱:True Blue


  這張專輯算的上首首精品,充分顯示出麥當娜的創作才能。雖然大家都以為麥當娜最暢銷的專輯,是讓她一炮而紅的《Like A Virgin》,事實上,她的第三張專輯《True Blue》賣出了1700萬張,比《Like A Virgin》的1100萬張還紅。因為商業上的區大成功(它同時是美國和英國的第一, 單在美國就賣了超過 500萬張唱片)和評論界的一致好評, “Papa Don't Preach”成為她在美國的第4首單曲冠軍。 可以看看這張專輯的榮譽:全美專輯榜第1名(5周)/全英專輯榜第1(6周)/專輯獲加拿大朱諾獎最佳國際專輯 入圍葛萊美獎最佳女歌手提名/入圍MTV音樂獎最佳女藝人 "Papa Don't Preach"贏得全美音樂獎最佳 "Open Your Heart"入圍MTV音樂獎女藝人錄像帶獎/ 全美民選獎最受歡迎女藝人,"Papa don' t Preach"2004年被流行音樂雜誌《滾石》與MTV音樂電視聯合評選出了自1963年以來世界最偉大的一百首流行歌曲之一。

Track Lists
01. Papa Don't Preach
02. Open Your Heart
03. White Heat
04. Live To Tell
05. Where's The Party
06. True Blue
07. La Isla Bonita
08. Jimmy, Jimmy
09. Love Makes The World Go Around
10. True Blue (The Color mix)
11. La Isla Bonita (extended remix)

Madonna - 《You Can Dance》

Released in 1987 as a stopgap, the remix album You Can Dance reworks material from Madonna's first three albums. Actually, it keeps the spotlight on her first record, adding non-LP singles like "Into the Groove" for good measure, along with a bonus track of "Where's the Party." Since it's a dance album, it doesn't matter that "Holiday" and "Into the Groove" are here twice, once each in dub versions, because the essential grooves and music are quite different in each incarnation. It is true that some of this now sounds dated -- these are quite clearly extended mixes from the mid-'80s -- but that's part of its charm, and it all holds together quite well. Not essential, but fun.

Track Lists
01. Spotlight
02. Holiday
03. Everybody
04. Physical Attraction
05. Over And Over
06. Into The Groove
07. Where's The Party
08. Holiday (Dub Version)
09. Into The Groove (Dub Version)
10. Where's The Party (Dub Version)

Madonna -《像個祈禱者》(Like a prayer)

英文名稱:Like a prayer


  《像一個祈禱者》(Like a prayer)專輯是麥當娜的第四張專輯,1989年3月發行,是麥當娜“物質女孩”風格逐漸走向成熟的作品。專輯裏麵她從最初的反叛者形象發展成了一個天主教徒。麥當娜不僅是個流行歌手,而且是敢於向傳統道德抗爭的具有時代精神的典型女性。她的服飾、性感的形象和自我宣揚的生活方式使其成了80年代和90年代的女性偶像。“Like A Paryer”音樂錄像帶遭致宗教界的反對,慘遭池魚之殃的百事可樂,在廣告片首映後一個月隻好將其抽掉。但是付給麥當娜五百萬美金的酬勞,卻要不回來。由於失去了百事可樂的廣告讚助,麥當娜原本打算配合"Like A Pr ayer"專輯的巡回演唱會也隻好取消。麥當娜的“Express Yourself”音樂錄像帶耗費一百萬美金,是當時最貴的音樂錄像帶。 Like a prayer發行後,便締造許多女藝人銷售數字的新紀錄,榮登Billboard榜首。

Track Lists
01. Like A Prayer
02. Express Yourself
03. Love Song
04. Till Death Do Us Part
05. Promise To Try
06. Cherish
07. Dear Jessie
08. Oh Father
09. Keep It Together
10. Spanish Eyes
11. Act Of Contrition

Madonna -《色情》(Erotica)



  在1993年,Madonna推出了第七張專集Erotica,這張專集充滿爭議。嚇死人不犯罪的娜姐發行了充滿情色的精裝性愛寫真Sex,書中盡是她和多位名模或歌手的春宮照片,不論是書評或是輿論界都給予極負麵的評價,不過這卻仍擋不住Madonna相關專輯Erotica全美銷售表現。Madonna發行了一本花費昂貴的色情專刊,裏麵收錄了數百張她和一些模特和一些名人的色情照片,並附在專輯“Erotica”賣了超過200萬張。1993年,選自「Erotica」專輯的Bad Girl,再度為麥當娜創下曆史,以第36名的成績做結。和oh, Father一樣,Bad Girl又是一首主題超級個人、也超級嚴肅的歌曲,在音樂錄像帶中,以死亡開始,也以死亡做終結,如此不討喜的歌曲,會在流行市場大挫敗,一點都不令人意外。但是此歌曲的點播率出奇的高。有人發現了將她的歌混起來聽的樂趣。一個十年過去了,這張重節奏的「浩室舞曲」專輯Erotica,不知道你是否還常窩在那個叫做Deeper and deeper那個灰暗的小舞廳裏,或是因為Rain還依舊深愛著藍色;有一張無法讓人入眠的Bedtime stories專輯,她雖然沒有黑人歌手的歌喉,不過她的R&B音樂依舊適合街頭。

Track Lists
01. Erotica
02. Fever
03. Bye Bye Baby
04. Deeper And Deeper
05. Where Live Begins
06. Bad Girl
07. Waiting
08. Thief Of Hearts
09. Words
10. Rain
11. Why's It So Hard
12. In This Life
13. Did You Do It
14. Secret Garden

Madonna -《床上時間的故事》(Bedtime stories)

英文名稱:Bedtime stories

Perhaps Madonna correctly guessed that the public overdosed on the raw carnality of her book Sex. Perhaps she wanted to offer a more optimistic take on sex than the distant Erotica. Either way, Bedtime Stories is a warm album, with deep, gently pulsating grooves; the album's title isn't totally tongue-in-cheek. The best songs on the album ("Secret," "Inside of Me," "Sanctuary," "Bedtime Story," "Take a Bow") slowly work their melodies into the subconscious as the bass pulses. In that sense, it does offer an antidote to Erotica, which was filled with deep but cold grooves. The entire production of Bedtime Stories suggests that she wants listeners to acknowledge that her music isn't one-dimensional. She has succeeded with that goal, since Bedtime Stories offers her most humane and open music; it's even seductive.

Track Lists
01. Survival
02. Secret
03. I'd Rather Be Your Lover
04. Don't Stop
05. Inside Of Me
06. Human Nature
07. Forbidden Love
08. Love Tried To Welcome Me
09. Sanctuary
10. Bedtime Story
11. Take A Bow

Madonna - 《Selection From Evita》

Selections From Evita boils the original double-disc soundtrack down to a single, 77-minute disc of highlights, featuring such songs as "You Must Love Me," "Don't Cry for Me Argentina," and "Another Suitcase." For fans who liked the hit singles and familiar items from Evita but didn't want the entire soundtrack, Selections is an excellent purchase.

Track Lists
01. Requiem for Evita
02. Oh! What a Circus
03. On This Night of a Thousand Stars
04. Eva and Magaldi/Eva Beware of the City
05. Buenos Aires
06. Another Suitcase in Another Hall
07. Goodnight and Thank You
08. I'd Be Surprisingly Good for You
09. Peron's Latest Flame
10. New Argentina
11. Don't Cry for Me Argentina
12. High Flying, Adored
13. Rainbow High
14. And the Money Kept Rolling (In and Out)
15. She Is a Diamond
16. Waltz for Eva and Che
17. You Must Love Me
18. Eva's Final Broadcast
19. Lament

Madonna -《Ray of Light》

中文名稱:Ray of Light


麥當娜1998年推出的一張經典專輯,將電子樂與流行舞曲進行了非常成功的結合,讓人們發現電子音樂也可以不那麽冷冰冰。專輯僅在美國就取得400萬銷量(歐洲銷量超過700萬),成為她繼“Like a Prayer”之後最常銷的專輯,並為她贏得3項葛萊美獎。

Returning to pop after a four-year hiatus, Madonna enlisted respected techno producer William Orbit as her collaborator for Ray of Light, a self-conscious effort to stay abreast of contemporary trends. Unlike other veteran artists who attempted to come to terms with electronica, Madonna was always a dance artist, so it's no real shock to hear her sing over breakbeats, pulsating electronics, and blunted trip-hop beats. Still, it's mildly surprising that it works as well as it does, largely due to Madonna and Orbit's subtle attack. They've reigned in the beats, tamed electronica's eccentricities, and retained her flair for pop melodies, creating the first mainstream pop album that successfully embraces techno. Sonically, it's the most adventurous record she has made, but it's far from inaccessible, since the textures are alluring and the songs have a strong melodic foundation, whether it's the swirling title track, the meditative opener, "Substitute for Love," or the ballad "Frozen." For all of its attributes, there's a certain distance to Ray of Light, born of the carefully constructed productions and Madonna's newly mannered, technically precise singing. It all results in her most mature and restrained album, which is an easy achievement to admire, yet not necessarily an easy one to love.

Track Lists
01. Drowned World/Substitute For Love
02. Swim
03. Ray Of Light
04. Candy Perfume Girl
05. Skin
06. Nothing Really Matters
07. Sky Fits Heaven
08. Shanti/Ashtangi
09. Frozen
10. The Power Of Good-Bye
11. To Have And Not To Hold
12. Little Star
13. Mer Girl

Madonna -《Music》





Filled with vocoders, stylish neo-electro beats, dalliances with trip-hop, and, occasionally, eerie synthesized atmospherics, Music blows by in a kaleidoscopic rush of color, technique, style, and substance. It has so many layers that it's easily as self-aware and earnest as Ray of Light, where her studiousness complimented a record heavy on spirituality and reflection. Here, she mines that territory occasionally, especially as the record winds toward its conclusion, but she applies her new tricks toward celebrations of music itself. That's not only true of the full-throttle dance numbers but also for ballads like "I Deserve It" and "Nobody's Perfect," where the sentiments are couched in electronic effects and lolling, rolling beats. Ultimately, that results in the least introspective or revealing record Madonna has made since Like a Prayer, yet that doesn't mean she doesn't invest herself in the record. Working with a stable of producers, she has created an album that is her most explicitly musical and restlessly creative since, well, Like a Prayer. She may have sacrificed some cohesion for that willful creativity but it's hard to begrudge her that, since so much of the album works. If, apart from the haunting closer "Gone," the Orbit collaborations fail to equal Ray of Light or "Beautiful Stranger," they're still sleekly admirable, and they're offset by the terrific Guy Sigsworth/Mark "Spike" Stent mid-tempo cut "What It Feels Like for a Girl" and Madonna's thriving partnership with Mirwais. This team is responsible for the heart of the record, with such stunners as the intricate, sensual, folk-psych "Don't Tell Me," the eerily seductive "Paradise (Not for Me)," and the thumping title track, which sounds funkier, denser, sexier with each spin. Whenever she works with Mirwais, Music truly comes alive with the spark and style.

Track Lists
01. Music
02. Impressive Instant
03. Runaway Lover
04. I Deserve It
05. Amazing
06. Nobody's Perfect
07. Don't Tell Me
08. What It Feels Like For A Girl
09. Paradise (Not For Me)
10. Gone
11. American Pie
12. Cyberraga

Madonna -《美國生活》(American Life)

英文名稱:American Life


Track Lists
01. American Life
02. Hollywood
03. I'm So Stupid
04. Love Profusion
05. Nobody Knows Me
06. Nothing Fails
07. Intervention
08. X-Static Process
09. Mother & Father
10. Die Another Day
11. Easy Ride

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