
What takes2 understand: The Bridge2Far; 感謝大S: UnitlTheEnd

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這首歌來自電影:The Bridge Too Far

WOW,Operation Market Garden,看過這段曆史記錄,多謝,去找電影看去。 -移花接木-

It may take some prerequisites to better understand the movie. There are not only different English accents, but also German or even Dutch. Language is not the only tool for communication, if one can understand the story the German and Dutch language parts can also be comprehended.

The movie 'The Bridge Too Far' is based on the true historical event, an allied military action called Operation Market Garden during WWII, the movie reappeared the WWII battle scenes. Some background knowledge about the history, military terminologies, tasks, are helpful to understand the movie.  

Background knowledge of the movie : The Bridge Too Far


Operation Market Garden:

Operation Market Garden was an unsuccessful World War II military operation fought in the Netherlands from 17 to 25 September 1944. It was the brainchild of Field Marshal Montgomery and strongly supported by Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt. The airborne operation was undertaken by the First Allied Airborne Army with the land operation by XXX Corps of the British Second Army.[13] The objective was to create a 64 mi (103 km) salient (bulge formation of troops) into German territory with a bridgehead over the River Rhine, creating an Allied invasion route into northern Germany.[4] This was to be achieved by seizing a series of nine bridges with airborne forces, with land forces swiftly following over the bridges. The operation succeeded in liberating the Dutch cities of Eindhoven and Nijmegen along with many towns, creating a 60 mi (97 km) salient into German-held territory, limiting V-2 rocket launching sites. It failed, however, to secure a bridgehead over the Rhine, with the advance being halted at the river.

It was the largest ever airborne action, the overall operation was very daring, ambitious, and risky.  

My question: What is the opinion of Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Ally? 蒙哥馬利的主意得到丘吉爾與羅斯福的強烈支持,這個冒險主意如果成功,將打開直通德國魯爾工業區的大門,Arnhem大橋之後,德國再無險可守,提前結束戰爭,好大喜功,毫不奇怪被政客喜歡,軍人哪? 為甚麽沒提盟軍總司令艾森豪威爾的意見?

A few military units are mentioned in the movie, knowing the names of the units, help to understand the scales of particular actions in different scenes.  


Luftwaffe 德國空軍, German & English pronounciation are the same

Panzer 德國裝甲部隊。

Field Marshal, 這個發音英語與德語很象

Military ranks:the main roles in the movie are frequently called by names or by their ranks, knowing the ranks help to identify who is who.

In the movie:

Browning & Horrocks are the two highest Lieutenant General,中將 from allied side.

German side highest is : Field-Marshal Walter Model, Lieutenant General Bittrich, etc. 


Tasks and Map: Operation Market Garden

  • Market: an airborne assault to seize key bridges, and;
  • Garden: a ground attack moving over the seized bridges creating the salient.

Three ally airborne divisions, British 1st airborne division  including Polish brigade, American 101 airborne division, American 82nd   airborne division were assigned to three zones, to take all the bridges, 9  in total and hold on.

The British 1st got the furthest & most difficult task , Arnhem. 所以電影裏Browning 中將對Roy Urquharts(Sean Connrey,yes, the 007 )少將,英軍第一空降師師長,說  Roy, you got a price. …

Major-General Roy Urquharts, by Sean Connery

Lieutenant-General Frederick Browning

Meanwhile British 30 corps started from Belgium & Netherland boarder punching into German defence lines, totally 64 miles in 48 hours to reach and reinforce all the airborne troops down the road.



Indentifying the troops is important to follow the course of the movie, where the scenes moving here to there. 

airborne troop armbands:

Uniforms: Indetify different troops by their uniforms, avoid confusion of who is in battle and where the battle ground is.

Brithish military officers: Beret

airborne: red beret,  ground: black beret

British ground spearhead commander, Lieutenant colonel JOE Vandeleur (front) by Michael Caine

and Lieutenant General Brian Horrocks(back) in a jeep.


British airborne troop with helmet:

American 101 airborne division/American 82 airborne division, only difference is their armbands


British infantry uniform:    

電影中的戰爭場麵,可以體會到東西文化的差異,被困英軍在醫療設備不夠用的情況下,請求德軍停戰1小時,把傷員交給德軍治療,General Bittrich: we are winning the battle; Dr. Spaander: Win or lose is not important, but life or death is... after 1 hour you can kill us as you want.  德軍居然接受。 最後英軍撤退時,用傷員做掩護迷惑德軍,最後傷員肯定會被德軍俘虜並治療。沒有豪言壯語,無處不在的幽默,對上司的牢騷。

Doc. Spaander requested to pause fire for 1 hour to transport wounded British soldiers to German side, German Lieutenant General Bittrich accepted it.


功利主義,及時止損,一河之隔, 距離最終目標4miles, 放棄原計劃, Urquharts將軍趁黑夜帶領2千剩餘人員過河撤回,空降時的1萬人損失8千, 幾個當頭兒的共同給出了放棄的客觀理由,天氣,橋,一條路,交通擁擠。




82 airborne division, 不強調客觀,急被困英軍之所急,Major Julian Cook,大白天帶領其營,冒著彈雨用衝鋒舟強行渡河搶占大橋。

反倒是英軍從RAF 到地麵部隊,時時刻刻地強調客觀困難,天氣有霧,不能起飛,坦克原地等步兵,沒有命令不能行動,眼瞅著前麵傘兵被困,原地不動,氣的美軍直跳腳。


英軍 1st airborne; Lieutenant colonel Johnny Frost的Battalion在空降後第一時刻到達Arnhem最後一座大橋,於是有了電影裏那句:I'm awfully sorry, but I'm afraid we're going to occupy your house.

原計劃堅守橋頭48小時的任務,隻有輕武器麵對德軍裝甲部隊,拒絕德軍投降建議,苦戰四晝夜援軍未到,受傷,彈盡,毫無遺憾,坦然被俘。那座橋入如今被命名為John Frost Bridge.

Lieutenant-Colonel Johnny Frost


官僚主義,Browning 將軍麵對參謀提供空中偵察得到的德國裝甲部隊照片,竟然自欺欺人,視而不見,或許是最高統帥部的壓力,他隻能執行,堅持原空降計劃,不斷提供勸告的參謀Fuller少校後被要求病休。隨後劇情中空降部隊全部被德軍裝甲部隊包圍,損失慘重,最終任務失敗,Roy Urquharts少將險些被俘。

Major Fuller

British reconnaissance aircraft, flew over the Dutch underground boy, it is a reconnaissance virsion British fighter plane: Spitfire, only equiped with cameras on weapons.



Maj. Gen. Sosabowski & Lieutenant Den. Browning

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