

(2006-09-30 23:58:32) 下一個


上海浦東話的english是, 因該來死,



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閱讀 ()評論 (15)
圓緣不斷 回複 悄悄話 我也來幾個:
俺該你洗 - 嬰兒對媽說的. 各位別想歪了.
寧可你是 - 怕事的主兒
立刻離西 - 又活了, 到東岸吧.
金重陽 回複 悄悄話 因該憐惜是您老公修的。
longzhong 回複 悄悄話 古今中外,希臘,羅馬,中國,印度,日本的神話中都有描述神仙眷侶的篇章。魚狼兄所言既是,何況我們這些凡夫俗子?
加州魚郎 回複 悄悄話 愛美野心,神皆有之,況呼魚郎?
uh-oh 回複 悄悄話 魚狼護花。
加州魚郎 回複 悄悄話 美女的香閨,不可放肆.
加州魚郎 回複 悄悄話 9494
longzhong 回複 悄悄話 魚狼兄,怎麽不知道您在說誰在發起啊?
不過您也是對的,當著一幹美女的麵, 我們還是收斂一點的好。
加州魚郎 回複 悄悄話 從了以後有點後悔?
uh-oh 回複 悄悄話 棄昌從良?難得。看來,糾正發音很重要。
加州魚郎 回複 悄悄話 嗨woodland,那你將成為"尹個麗是",賭一條魚.I agre with you, 2-2.4hrs I even can't finish reading yet.But that make me so happy every day and work more efficiently. Then HR dept never complains. So don't worry about that until you'll be a boss.

老龍:wo ting shui ta zai fa qi yi ge jb chong bai yun dong.不好意思打汗字,那倆字母讓我有點臉紅,也免得汙了大家的秀目.
木蘭木蘭 回複 悄悄話 工作辛苦暸, 仍然有時間寫有時間許多美文 ;-)?
According to some market company's research: it is estimated average employees in US corporate institutions (don't ask me what industry) spends 2 to 2.4 hours per person per day in online chatting, corresponding personal emails and taking care of various billing matters online during the office hour. I think they forgot about blogging! I am wondering if that 2 to 2.4 hours is sufficient enough for constructing so many lovely blog articles here. But you are indeed brilliant. Have enjoyed reading all your past postings immensely. BTW, I have always been able to pronouce "English" properly, what does that make me , can you help predicting my future a bit as to what I will become of;-)??
longzhong 回複 悄悄話 哈哈,魚狼兄,
加州魚郎 回複 悄悄話 我就說呢,小時候老讀“淫哥力士”能不叫阿蘭罵嗎?
楊子 回複 悄悄話 你這些東東都哪來的。