outside home

What is a home for us? Have you find it? Do you want to build one?
  • 博客訪問:

Miss Home (圖)

(2006-06-07 17:06:56) 下一個

There are so many times I feel so alone. Even there are so many people around me.
What is a HOME MEANS? a caring heart? Is it enought for me? For how long? a whole life? When I was risiding in such a big city, I found that I was locked outside a building named "home".

Some people said: the whole world is the home. Really? How? What is in the whole world?

Some people said: Home is a place which do not need to be big, but filled with love. But love from whom? From a people who you love or who love you? How much chances that a couple could love each other.

I started to think about two Numbers: 284 and 220. These two numbers have been named as friendship number---
Add all the divided numbers together from one will lead to the other. 

But they are still different, they use different calculating method, but they lead to the other. So if I'm 284, I would like to take myself apart, and add the parts together, where is my 220? 

Why there are so many people enjoy talking on the interent? I do not know why there are so many floating souls around me? But I can not find the one hit me in my mind.  

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