


(2006-06-06 12:18:44) 下一個
Last night was so hot,at first I don't want to turn on the A/C because I thought I would be fine, I sat there
reading my book, the book is not bad compare to what you have said about the movie, the book is full of the
subtle emotion description that can't possiblely be played on big screen..I am still intereted to watch a
movie though, it is on my list already...:)

Now I think about it, I always like reading the book better than wathcing the movie, what I perceived
through my imagination is always more colorful than what I can see through my own eyes...:)However, it is
not the case with you, I would rather look you in the eye than imagin your smile, I would rather stay in
your arms than miss you far away...hehe...

When I finally decided to turn on the A/C and put the book down, it was almost 2:00AM....I have not finished
the book yet,but I think I will be done with it tonight.
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