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Dear Colleagues:
Sorry to disturb you. This email is looking for kind prayers for lifes were
lost in China 5.12 earthquake and donations for ongoing rescue efforts.
As we know, a massive, 7.9-magnitude earthquake hit southwest China and
shook buildings throughout China, killing numerous innocent people and
causing many injured.
We need prayers for the people in China, pray for the rescue efforts to
succeed, pray that the people who lost their loved ones are comforted, pray
for the safety of everyone there - regardless of your beliefs. Let's use the
power we have to light their time of darkness and despair.
If you would like to make a donation for ongoing rescue efforts and
suffering people, especially children there, please go the following
non-profit charity organization :
Please do not forget to save one copy of receipt for tax deduction
purpose, and forward one to HR department for company matching donation.
Thank you for your kind prayers and generous donations.
謝謝美酒...今天看到新聞說,加拿大政府會MATCH加的私人捐款. 這樣,動員多一個捐,款就加倍了.
就是,這些天估計哪個中國人心情都好不起來...我每天隻要一看到,聽到相關的東西,就心裏堵的慌,很難受. 可還是忍不住要去關注進展...希望一切慢慢好起來,不要接著再出什麽大事了. 聽說上遊水庫告險,華北有大量蟾蜍遷移的信息,擔心呀. :(