

(2006-08-11 05:27:41) 下一個



本悄悄話來自 海姑娘 於 2006-08-11 02:59:13  
我加好你了,你長的很漂亮, 以前在冬日陽光的朋友圈裏看到過你, 真納悶為什麽他的女性朋友怎麽都那麽好看

本悄悄話來自 海姑娘 於 2006-08-11 03:49:26  
嗬嗬,我是她妹妹, 我哥哥就愛漂亮女孩, 出名的色鬼

本悄悄話來自 淑女司令 於 2006-07-12 23:26:46  

本悄悄話來自 Dave01 於 2006-07-12 05:54:44  
你好會寫啊。 真的愛上你了。 救我一救好嗎? 求求你。

本悄悄話來自 Dave01 於 2006-07-12 04:34:30  
你好, 真早啊, 不會是在東部吧? 親愛的, 嗬嗬。

本悄悄話來自 SD1000 於 2006-07-12 08:42:38  

本悄悄話來自 40hutu 於 2006-08-08 00:26:49  
時不常看看你的朋友圈,沒有加幾個。看來雙刃妮子確實心高氣定,佛主在胸。你獨特的開場白能否拉近網人的距離,不敢妄斷; 但邀屠龍寶劍,激壯士豪情是沒有疑問的;不才如我,也抖擻精神,明知山有虎,偏向虎山行。想像中的你,almost too good to be true, 但如今可憐的人們已經沒有太多夢想了,對於美麗,寧可信其有。妄想有那麽一天,在舊金山灣區的某個角落,邂逅伊人,哪怕隻是驚鴻一暼。有空來我博克坐坐。

40hutu 評論於:2006-08-08 01:00:58 

本悄悄話來自 40hutu 於 2006-08-10 02:06:49  

本悄悄話來自 JOE.COM 於 2006-08-10 02:09:51  

sweetlife 留言於:2006-07-22 03:28:33
看見天仙, 不免停步!

knightchan2001 留言於:2006-07-20 01:31:00

SD1000 留言於:2006-07-12 17:57:22
擅長捕捉的女射手? or 充滿著樂趣和變化的雙子座?

本悄悄話來自 風中的雲 於 2006-08-10 21:58:06  
你有這麽多的愛好啊----服裝, 逛街, 購物, 烹調, 美食, 家務, 旅行, 儲蓄, 投資, 唱歌, 跳舞, 戲劇, 音樂, 電影, 電視, 電腦, 上網, 電子遊戲, 攝影, 繪畫, 書法, 雕塑, 藝術創作, 閱讀, 寫作, 聊天, 時尚, 樂器, 養寵物, 鋼琴,小提琴,鍵盤,吉他,二胡,口琴,長笛,古箏,揚琴 ......

本悄悄話來自 風中的雲 於 2006-08-10 02:08:59  

本悄悄話來自 風中的雲 於 2006-08-10 22:10:54  

本悄悄話來自 風中的雲 於 2006-08-10 22:13:18  

本悄悄話來自 風中的雲 於 2006-08-10 22:14:25  

風中的雲 留言於:2006-08-10 23:08:17
問個好,排個隊 :)

不見也鍾情 留言於:2006-07-12 14:10:37
我拚命閃躲 你擅長捕捉...

SD1000 評論於:2006-08-11 02:17:15  

本悄悄話來自 SD1000 於 2006-07-12 19:26:56  
For curiosity, how comes that you was wondering around the city street and end up by walking into the SD's territory? It seems that you are quite busy on building your own little castle all day. Just for a fresh air or ...
Like to see some of your old photos, for example, when you are about 10 years old. Someone said that from your 10 years old photo, can get your image when u r 70s. HeHe. Don't u believe it?
Btw, how to pronounce your ID, HAN2DAN1FEN1FEI1?

本悄悄話來自 JOE.COM 於 2006-08-04 23:57:09  
QQ ?

本悄悄話來自 Hurricane66 於 2006-08-03 21:41:19 
Hi Fanfei,
Sorry, I have to use my not good English to write to you because I didn't use HanZhi typing software quite often due to my bad PinYin, so just get used to using English usually. In fact I like our native Chinese language very much, which is so expressive when you want to express what you think in your heart.
Anyway, sorry again!
Today, I read most of your papers in the web,I found you are a so talented girl, especially most of the papers are full of the essence of philosophy in daily life, from which I can see you are an unique girl who loves life and so often thinks about the life and then get some reflections and then try yourself to be an ideal one in daily life. Being a perfect person is not so easy and almost impossible, in my mind at least. Before 30 years old I was like this kind of person, after everyday's work, I should to write a diary and think about everything I did at that day and then get some conclusions in order to do better next day, day by day.However, experience told me that was not good. Later on, sometimes I appreciate one famous saying" NangDe Futu", which is the key for my life sometimes.
Tell you the truth, I appreciate the following words you wrote:
(2)寂寞和孤獨會吞食人的生命力.(Note by me:On the other hand, loneliness will create wisdom sometimes.)
(3)冰雪聰明 藍心慧質 秀外慧中.
In the real earthly world, the following "he" is a virtual or ideal man, it is pretty hard to find him. In other words,love is represented by the real action including a lot of details in daily life, in fact the world is ridiculous, if someone cares about too much about his lover maybe she will feel bored or ...
As a man I also like to find a girl who is similar with what you described as follows.
Anyway, I like all these you wrote.
Have a good night!

本悄悄話來自 JOE.COM 於 2006-08-04 23:05:47  

本悄悄話來自 獨來獨往浪跡天涯 於 2006-08-03 11:47:28  

本悄悄話來自 JOE.COM 於 2006-08-03 18:20:58  

本悄悄話來自 SD1000 於 2006-07-12 16:22:53  

本悄悄話來自 閣老 於 2006-07-12 17:34:31  

本悄悄話來自 Dave01 於 2006-07-12 04:56:55  
You did not go sleep? wow, you are so brave? what's for? dear?

本悄悄話來自 Dave01 於 2006-07-12 04:40:00  
我剛到班上, 在辦公室, 你在哪做什麽呢? 

本悄悄話來自 Dave01 於 2006-07-12 06:30:46  
那你肯定是網戀過的一族了, 對嗎?

本悄悄話來自 Dave01 於 2006-07-12 06:00:21  
還有呢? 你常自己在家?

本悄悄話來自 Dave01 於 2006-07-12 06:34:31  
pas mal, chherie, c'est tres bien comme ca
這很感人啊, 我有過兩次了。。。所以隻想網上情人。。不再去網戀了。

本悄悄話來自 Hurricane66 於 2006-08-03 18:21:46  
Hi Fanfei,
In one word, thank you for your understanding very much!
Talk with you later!
Hope to get more wondeful opinions or reflections about life as a male or female from you!
Take care too!

本悄悄話來自 Hurricane66 於 2006-08-03 12:02:36  
Hi Fanfei,
Thank you for your message return too!
I just want to say that most of the times the first impression or so called feeling on someone is very important, which means the initial destiny(or Yong) is set up, later on the thing is just to begin to go further and true friendship or even true love can only become true possibly. Based on our culture when a so good "Yong" turns up every one who is involved with this Yong had better to let it go further and further, based on the Chan in Buddhism culture.
Did you agree my opinion above?
Anyway, hope to get you email to have a talk online or by email.
I am a scientist here, coming from China several years ago. As to the past in China, I usually didn't like to talk too much in both of my achievements and even failure, because that is the past, i just focus on current everyday and would like to lead a happy daily life. When I am getting older and older(in fact not old) finally I would like to find the truth including the true love and all those true essence as a man in this earthly world, instead of money or social status although in fact I work very hard and try to earn a lot of money. What I said seems to be a contradiction, no indeed,it means a lot...
That is also the reason why I would like to send a message to you. Possibly something true will be encountered by me between you and me.
Could you tell me your email and where are you now?
My email is: truthconsciencebeauty@yahoo.ca

本悄悄話來自 是有緣 於 2006-07-29 07:29:21  

本悄悄話來自 Hurricane66 於 2006-07-29 02:24:00  
Hi there,
In my mind,at the first glance of your picture, you looks unique indeed!
How can I talk with you to let you also have a wonderful impression on me?
I am also a wonderful guy, well-educated(Ph.D), more than 15 years' richful experience in my life as a professor, an enterpreneur, an army officer,a guy who is always pursuing the true love and friendship and even some fataistic romance... all the beautiful things in the nature. Can we become good friends with each other, and then to see whether the God will bless us something special in both of us. OK?
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

本悄悄話來自 千裏望雲 於 2006-07-25 13:25:04  

本悄悄話來自 千裏望雲 於 2006-07-25 12:46:15  

本悄悄話來自 liugang_20 於 2006-07-23 23:43:58  
May I become your friend?

本悄悄話來自 pingponglover 於 2006-07-23 16:43:19  

本悄悄話來自 行者有框 於 2006-07-21 11:12:53  

本悄悄話來自 gfwl 於 2006-07-18 07:59:36  

本悄悄話來自 閑言 於 2006-07-17 23:14:39  

本悄悄話來自 當日衝之路 於 2006-07-17 04:19:19  

本悄悄話來自 是有緣 於 2006-07-16 07:28:58  

本悄悄話來自 千裏望雲 於 2006-07-25 12:19:27  

本悄悄話來自 冬日陽光 於 2006-07-12 07:58:17  

菡萏芳菲   摘錄整理

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