

HaoHao at LostLaoWai

(2006-08-14 09:49:51) 下一個

There is somebody smarter than me. Actually there are a lot of people smarter than me.

Today, Ryan at Lostlaowai gets a big nod.

I have thought for some time that a news aggregator that allows readers to see, contribute and decide what articles about China are popular would go over well.

But, alas, I am not smart enough to create such an animal.

The lost laowai, Ryan, however, is. Great job!

To see the latest news in China, in English, and what is popular as chosen by readers, take a look at the Hao Hao  Great name, too.

There are tabs for popular stories, top stories, new stories, tag clouds and submit a new story.

It would be great if this site were to become more popular among English speaking/writing Chinese as well who could in turn make more contributions and vote on what is good and worthy of readership.

click here to continue reading...

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