Chinese shoppers like to, make that love to, handle the merchandise before buying it. I am embarrassed by it, but my wife does it ALL the time. I usually head for the book department to read something while she does her thing.
Home Depots are big, huge, gigantic!
When B & Q, a subsidiary of European do-it-yourself giant, Kingfisher first went to China, Chinese shoppers were frustrated by products that were stacked high on shelves.
Some would not even enter the store when high priced items were placed at the head of isles.
B & Q, just writing that made me hungry, has since found their feng shui. They now have 49 stores and sales are up 48% over last year to a half a billion dollars.
Home Depot, meanwhile, is still thinking cookie cutters. Why do things the Chinese way? Instead Home Depot would rather try to change the Chinese psyche.
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