

(2006-07-17 14:49:44) 下一個

現在來複習一下Maslow的理論. 看來wxc的博客們溫飽和安全感是沒有大問題了.(找工作和被LAYOFF的人除外).現在就是有一點needs of love .還有就是needs of esteem.WXC博客世界裏人們尋求的就是這些了.關鍵是要有人看, 而且要有人叫好. 把博克評論去掉, 很可能就沒有人再有興趣寫了.海外遊子們看來比較的苦悶,"不能融入主流社會"去滿足自己的needs. 所以大家就到這裏來把自己的雞毛蒜皮,陳芝麻爛穀子,或者把自己的各種fantasy搬出來..因此wxc 博客這麽熱鬧了.存在的就是合理的.哪一天掛牌上市了也說不定. :)

1.生活中這兩種needs 嚴重得不到滿足.所以在博克中找,勤快地打字
3.兩種都占了, 就是不太勤快. 所以隻好
feels inferior, weak, helpless and worthless. 我大概就是 嘿嘿..

看來博還是要有閑才行,我已經好長時間沒幹正事了. 這玩意太TM Kill times 了. 下定決心要戒博了. 

Maslow has set up a hierarchic theory of needs. All of his basic needs are instinctoid, equivalent of instincts in animals. Humans start with a very weak disposition that is then fashioned fully as the person grows. If the environment is right, people will grow straight and beautiful, actualizing the potentials they have inherited. If the environment is not "right" (and mostly it is not) they will not grow tall and straight and beautiful.

Maslow has set up a hierarchy of five levels of basic needs. Beyond these needs, higher levels of needs exist. These include needs for understanding, esthetic appreciation and purely spiritual needs. In the levels of the five basic needs, the person does not feel the second need until the demands of the first have been satisfied, nor the third until the second has been satisfied, and so on. Maslow's basic needs are as follows:

Physiological Needs
These are biological needs. They consist of needs for oxygen, food, water, and a relatively constant body temperature. They are the strongest needs because if a person were deprived of all needs, the physiological ones would come first in the person's search for satisfaction.

Safety Needs
When all physiological needs are satisfied and are no longer controlling thoughts and behaviors, the needs for security can become active. Adults have little awareness of their security needs except in times of emergency or periods of disorganization in the social structure (such as widespread rioting). Children often display the signs of insecurity and the need to be safe.

Needs of Love, Affection and Belongingness
When the needs for safety and for physiological well-being are satisfied, the next class of needs for love, affection and belongingness can emerge. Maslow states that people seek to overcome feelings of loneliness and alienation. This involves both giving and receiving love, affection and the sense of belonging.

Needs for Esteem
When the first three classes of needs are satisfied, the needs for esteem can become dominant. These involve needs for both self-esteem and for the esteem a person gets from others. Humans have a need for a stable, firmly based, high level of self-respect, and respect from others. When these needs are satisfied, the person feels self-confident and valuable as a person in the world. When these needs are frustrated, the person feels inferior, weak, helpless and worthless.

Needs for Self-Actualization
When all of the foregoing needs are satisfied, then and only then are the needs for self-actualization activated. Maslow describes self-actualization as a person's need to be and do that which the person was "born to do." "A musician must make music, an artist must paint, and a poet must write." These needs make themselves felt in signs of restlessness. The person feels on edge, tense, lacking something, in short, restless. If a person is hungry, unsafe, not loved or accepted, or lacking self-esteem, it is very easy to know what the person is restless about. It is not always clear what a person wants when there is a need for self-actualization.
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clear 回複 悄悄話 萬物都有定時。博客有時,戒博有時。 嘻嘻。
croupier 回複 悄悄話 寂寞吧。
愛之昧 回複 悄悄話 是啊!寫了或組織了,貼了,多少總喜歡有點反映。是好是壞,有用無用,也眾口難調的。
誓言 回複 悄悄話 說的挺對的. 支持一下.再補充一點, 當成電子日記本, 以至於將來某一天翻出以前的心情看看時, 留一絲感想的空間.