
心情驛站, 記憶空間.


(2006-06-19 20:04:03) 下一個

在咱家, 這好象是第一個受到重視的父親節, 因為當父親的生平第一次收到了女兒的節日禮物, 嗬嗬.

這是本樸素的自製小冊子, 裏麵每頁寫了一句話, 共有十二頁.

當父親的那個激動啊, 讓我postblog, 也讓我受寵若驚了一把, 因為之前他從沒正眼瞧過這個blog (整天瞎忙, 連他老婆偷偷post的初戀故事都沒看, 那可是老婆和他情敵的故事. 偶爾上個網, 關注的也是台海戰爭L).


Dear Dad,

Here are 10 things I like about you:

#1  I like that you always go swimming, but not by yourself.

#2  I like that you like to be athletic, and want us to be like that too.

#3  I like that you can play basketball, so you can teach my brother and me.

#4  I like that you take mom's place to cook, because she has allergies.

#5  I like that you are honest.

#6  I like that you always come home around , because it isn't too late or too early.

#7  I like that you aren't the kind of father who yells at their kids, or hits them.

#8  I like that you are being fair to Hanxi and me, so you don't like any of us more than the other.

#9  I like that you sometimes watch TV with Hanxi and me. It's more fun than watching it alone.

#10 I like that you are always nice to Hanxi and me. 

Most of all, I like that you are the best father in the world to me.


Your daughter

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閱讀 ()評論 (1)
ii06 回複 悄悄話 黃顏 評論於:2006-06-20 08:01:12


ii06 評論於:2006-06-20 07:53:57

當媽的就嚴厲多了,忍不住有時yell at kids,扮黑臉角色:(

子蘇 評論於:2006-06-20 07:15:42

簡直就是十全十美的父親了. :)

asalways 評論於:2006-06-19 21:46:02

wow~,really a good father.
女兒的評價也很厲害很成人化哩,從老爸帶孩子玩兒,照顧媽媽,誠實,對孩子公平,方方麵麵進行了評價,除掉最後一句,外加把各項活動偷換一下,可以用來形容一個不錯的朋友或者老板了。 :D
