MegaUpload每日八小時免費高級會員獲取方法,與直接無視流量限製下載法 QUOTE: extend - When you've used up your download quota (indicated by "Download limit exceeded" messages), simply press the "extend" button and start afresh!
happy hour premium - Every day, from 9pm to 3am eastern, we're giving away premium status for free for every user of the Megaupload Toolbar! Simply press the happy hour button and enjoy the full set of premium features.
之後可以選擇: 點擊extend(用來突破下載流量限製,這個似乎是被動的,也就是說流量限製到了不用你點,它自己就啟動了) 2,點擊happy your premium(每天八小時高會,注意:隻有在北京時間9am到5pm才可用,一到北京時間早上9點,那個鍵就enable了,你在9點到5點的這段時間內都可以點,但是隻要一過5點,咳咳,賬號就從公主變灰姑娘了)