香港是我非常喜歡的城市, 每次經過時都會仔細地品味一下. 想起和伯爺, 家姐們一起的日子. 以後會再去的.
JUSTIN LIM 的香港片(膠片)照得極為出色. 尤其他的攝影理念給人(或提醒)喜歡這類攝影人不少靈感.
"Hello there. Malaysian in HK, studied in the UK, family ties in Australia. I'd say that for me, it doesn't matter whether a photograph is taken with a tiny lomo film cam or a chunky digital SLR - it's all about the moment. A photo doesn't have to be technically perfect to be loved by many. Which is just as well since I'm not particularly cerebral or technical in my approach." - JUSTIN LIM (