criteria for mortgage paper purchase
(2006-04-26 16:24:14)
We have a client who buy all the notes, if you can give me the answers for the following, I can give you the quote in couple days.
- Type of Property
- Payor's Credit score
- Property Value
- Owner Occupied
- Sales Date
- Sales Price
- Downpayment
- State and City
- Face Value of Note (Sales Price minus Dwnpayment)
- Note Balance
- Interest Rate
- Mthly payment amount
- # of payments made
- # of payments remaining
- When 1st payment made
- Next payment due date
- Current (yes/no)
- Balloon payment
- If so, how much is balloon pyment and when balloon due
- Position of Note
- 1st remaining balance
- 2nd remaining balance
Give description of property (i.e bth, bdrm, sqft, how much land involved