
How Honest Should I Be?

(2006-06-11 01:40:12) 下一個

This is a life-long debate. Should we tell people exactly what we are thinking, even if we feel it's going to hurt them? Or do we just blurt things out? Is this too insensitive?
Think about this one carefully because open honesty can be hurteful and it may damage a relationship or potential relationship.
But not telling the truth may create lifetime regret if we never have chances to make up for it.

When we were kids, we had been told by our parents never to lie.
We will always be fogiven only if we are able to tell the truth
Back to those old days, How many  silly things we have done
But they never give up on us cos there is somethig between us, called love.

When we grown up, had been throw into an unfamiliar world.
We used to be naivety and try to trust all
We were cheated by the people who we really care
Agian and again
Until we dont feel pain anymore.

We learnt something called to lie
Since we dont wanna to be hurt anyomre
We were so comfortable and warm inside our shell
And couldn't see this place would soon become our hell.

So is it better to tell and hurt or lie to keep the secret?
Well I guess the answer is don't do it in the first place.
I know I'm not deserving of you trust from you right now,
But if by chance you change your mind you know I will not let you down......

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hey3g 回複 悄悄話 善意的"謊言"沒什麽,當然,看接受者能不能麵對"真實"了.