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DEBT BUBBLE 引起國會的警惕. (兼答opt008)

(2007-05-17 14:09:18) 下一個
這個DEBT BUBBLE已經引起SENATORS的懷疑了. 原因是"錢"太CHEAP了, 銀行巴不得借出去. 還是FED的失誤. 跟去年比, "錢"至少增加了18% (跟中國印的大致相符,因為RMB緊盯美元). 這些X BACKED LOANS 存在著極大的危險,說白了就是借錢不還.最近的M&A也是基於以上的推理. 今天的經濟數據表明經濟還會進一步的惡化, BERNANKE雖然在DENY,可是數據是準的.他最擔心的就是這個.

Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., who earlier called the whole episode a "chronology of regulatory neglect," welcomed Bernanke's announcement of Fed hearings.

"It's past time for action," Dodd said in a statement, which urged the central bank to "move expeditiously" to promulgate tougher rules.

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., who has introduced legislation to help homeowners avoid foreclosures, said Congress needed to act in time to deal with thousands of homeowners facing the threat of foreclosure.

"I hope Chairman Bernanke is right when he says that a slumping housing market will not affect the broader economy, but I would not bet the house on it," Schumer said in a statement.

Dodd, Schumer and other Democrats on the Senate Banking Committee wrote Bernanke a letter last month encouraging the Fed to write new rules against predatory lending in the subprime market. They urged the central bank to require all lenders to assess a borrower's ability to repay before making a home loan, classify as unfair and deceptive any failure by lenders to earmark money for payment of taxes and insurance and restrict the use of home loans with only minimal documentation required of borrowers.

Home-mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures have been surging in recent months, especially among borrowers who took out subprime mortgages.
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