《Casablanca》攝於1942年,是一部憂傷纏綿真摯感人的經典愛情電影,這部獲得了奧斯卡的最佳影片等獎。主演是亨弗萊·鮑嘉(飾演銳克·布萊恩) (Humphrey Bogart as Rick Blaine) 和英格麗·褒曼(飾演伊麗莎·倫德)(Ingrid Bergman as Ilsa Lund),她是維克多(Paul Henreid as Victor Laszlo) 的妻子,Victor是捷克地下陣線領導人,反法西斯納粹的鬥士。
故事發生在第二次世界大戰期間,此時的Rick在摩洛哥城市卡薩布蘭卡經營Rick's Café Américain,他是美國人。酒店非常熱鬧,那裏有各種各樣的顧客,有納粹,有官員,有歐洲難民。Victor被納粹追到卡薩布蘭卡,IIsa也和他一起隨行。
一天,IIsa來到Rick的美式咖啡屋,看到Rick的好友鋼琴師Sam在彈琴,就請Sam演奏她和Rick熟悉的歌曲 《As Time Goes By》,這時,Rick走來了,他們倆自巴黎一別後,再次相逢。這是Rick說的一句經典台詞:“Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine”.
幾年前,Rick和Ilsa在巴黎相遇相知相愛,當時Ilsa誤以為她的丈夫Victor早已死在集中軍。IIsa遇到Rick後,Rick安慰她,嗬護她,溫暖她,他們愛上了彼此。因德軍逼近巴黎,他們決定一起逃難,說好的在火車站會合,但伊麗莎卻失約了。因為伊麗莎後來得知她的丈夫Victor 沒有死,卻身染重疾。Ilsa選擇放棄與Rick一起逃難,而留下照顧病危的丈夫。
電影在飛機場告別的最後一幕頗為感人,Ilsa決定留下來,和Rick在一起,Rick卻對Ilsa說,留下來,你會後悔的,他接著說: "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life. We'll always have Paris." Rick和Ilsa就這樣依依不舍地說再見了。在Rick的掩護下,Ilsa和他的丈夫Victor登上飛機,逃離了納粹的追鋪。Rick站在霧色裏,望著自己心愛的女人,遠去了。

Song:As Time Goes By Film《Casablanca》theme song
You must remember this A kiss is still a kiss A sigh is just a sigh The fundamental things apply As time goes by
And when two lovers woo They still say, I love you On this you can rely No matter what the future brings As time goes by
Moonlight and love songs Never out of date Hearts full of passion Jealousy and hate Woman needs man And man must have his mate That no one can deny
It's still the same old story A fight for love and glory A case of do or die The world will always welcome lovers As time goes by

Rebecca Lin 2009 13 Winter In USA
裏麵歌詞寫得很好!!--matthew1 評論於:2006-11-19 14:03:51
I knew this movies when I was in China long time ago,the teachers in my office often talked about this one. I watched it after I came to the States, and I have watched it many times, and I enjoyed it each time I watched. I have a tape of it and I still love watching it. This is the MOVIES! She and he are not only handsome and beautiful, they are classic!--oceanpeace 評論於:2007-02-02 20:22:57