當我得知台灣歌手鳳飛飛和美國歌手惠特妮·休斯頓相繼去世的消息後,頗為震驚。我感歎生命的脆弱,轉眼即逝,無法再回來了,心裏不免傷感。鳳飛飛演唱的《掌聲響起》,惠特妮演唱的《I Will Always Love You》,仿佛縈繞在我的耳畔。人雖離去,歌聲永恒。
鳳飛飛是電影《楓葉情》、《我是一片雲》主題歌的演唱者,還演唱了《追夢人》等許多歌曲,我尤其鍾愛她演唱的《掌聲響起》,是她上千首歌曲中的翹楚之作。這首歌曲是由陳桂芬作詞, 陳進興作曲。據說,當鳳飛飛看到這首歌的歌詞時,她就足足哭了三個小時,開始錄音的時候,她還是要求先讓自己哭完再進行錄音,即便如此,每次在舞台上演繹這首歌的時候,她還是常常唱得淚流滿麵。這首歌曲唱出了作為藝人成功的不易。 歌曲:掌聲響起 演唱:鳳飛飛
孤獨站在這舞台 聽到掌聲響起來 我的心中有無限感慨
多少青春不在 多少情懷已更改 我還擁有你的愛
好像初次的舞台 聽到第一聲喝采 我的眼淚忍不住掉下來 經過多少失敗 經過多少等待 告訴自己要忍耐
掌聲響起來我心更明白 你的愛將與我同在 掌聲響起來我心更明白 歌聲交會你我的愛

永遠愛你--惠特妮 惠特妮·休斯頓多才多藝,既是歌手、演員,又是作曲家、電影製作人,曾經還做過模特。她擁有強而有力的嗓音,一字多轉音的感染力,與寬廣的音域。她演唱的單曲有:“Saving All My Love for You”“Didn't We Almost Have It All”“I Will Always Love You”“One Moment in Time”“I'm Every Woman”“My Love Is Your Love”“I Learned from the Best”等。
惠特妮·休斯頓和Kevin Costne在電影《The BodyGuard》精湛的表演,令人難以忘懷。惠特妮·休斯頓扮演歌星Rachel, Kevin Costne扮演保鏢Frank, 我喜歡電影裏Rachel和Frank的對話,充滿了幽默和風趣。當Rachel第一次見到Frank時,Rachel說。 Rachel: Well, you don't look like a bodyguard. Frank: What'd you expect? Rachel: Well, I don't know, maybe a tough guy? Frank: This is my disguise.
當Rachel在購物時,Frank的回複頗為智慧。 Rachel: Will you grab that jacket for me? The red one, please? Frank: I'm here to keep you alive, not help you shop. 他們倆一次在餐館晚宴的對話也頗有意思。 RACHEL: Have you ever liked anybody? FRANK What do you mean? RACHEL Like me -- a girl. FRANK A long time ago. RACHEL What happened? Do you mind if I ask? FRANK Do you mind if I don't answer? RACHEL I don't want to pry...
我尤其喜歡電影結尾Rachel和Frank的表演,在飛機場上,Rachel驚喜地看到Frank來為她送行,他們倆還是一如既往地風趣幽默。 RACHEL You shouldn't be here. RACHEL So, you're quitting show business? FRANK Yeah. RACHEL Too bad. You had talent. FRANK So, how's the new guy? RACHEL He's got white hair, Frank. FRANK He's very good. RACHEL Why'd you have to get me an old man? FRANK I don't trust you. RACHEL Yeah... well, give me a kiss and let's get this over with. FRANK 'Bye Rachel.
Frank和Rachel在機場告別後,Frank依依不舍地目送著Rachel登上飛機,《I Will Always Love You》的歌聲響起,當飛機正要起飛時,Rachel突然說,請等,便下了飛機,立即向Frank跑去,他們倆深情地吻別。Rachel對Frank說得這段話頗為真摯:"Remember when you said you'd risk your life for me? I didn't really believe it then. Nobody means what they say. But you did, Frank. You did it. You laid it all on the line for me.I'll never forget what it felt like to be under your eye. Never. I won't be forgetting you either. I want you to keep this. If you ever need me, you just put this on and no matter where you are I will find you. I promise."
Frank開始了新的保鏢工作,Rachel也繼續著她的唱歌生涯,電影就在《I Will Always Love You》畫外音中結束了,餘音繚繞。 Song: I Will Always Love You Artist: Whitney Houston
If I should stay I would only be in your way So I'll go, but I know I'll think of you every step of the way And I will always love you I will always love you
You, my darling you, you Bitter sweet memories That is all I'm taking with me So goodbye, please don't cry We both know I'm not what you need And I will always love you I will always love you
I hope life treats you kind And I hope you have all you dreamed off And I wish to you joy and happiness But above all this I wish to you love And I will always love you I will always love you
林貝卡 2012冬 於美國
YouTube: I Will Always Love You(Video The Bodyguard) ---Whitney Houston
Thanks for your comments. Have a nice weekend.