一棵樹 兩個人的記憶
看電影《Love Is a Many Splendored Thing》有感
七月的初夏,網友enjoywater在美語論壇介紹了一部讓我感動的電影《Love Is a Many Splendored Thing 》,以前我隻知道同名歌曲《Love Is a Many Splendored Thing 》,讀了enjoywater的介紹後,我才知道電影是根據中國籍亞歐混血女作家韓素音的同名自傳小說《A Many-Splendoured Thing》改編拍攝的,電影故事講述的是美國記者馬克(由William Holden扮演)在香港邂逅中歐混血兒醫生韓素音(由Jennifer Jones扮演)曲折的愛情故事,故事發生在1949年至1950年,當時正是國共內戰的關鍵時期以及朝鮮戰爭的爆發時期。
我觀看了enjoywater分享的《Love Is a Many Splendored Thing 》視頻片斷,腦海了略過了這一行字:一棵樹,兩個人的記憶。這段視頻剪輯的非常精彩,韓素音興匆匆地登台階而上,向山頂跑去,當她看到山頂上的那顆樹時,突然地放慢了腳步,直到馬克的出現,韓素音露出了燦爛的笑容,韓素音見到馬克便說: "I am late , when I did not see you, I am afraid you are gone.馬克答道:" "You are early, we are both early." 他們倆手牽手,向樹下走去。在樹下聊天,在草地上浪漫,柔情蜜意,突然一隻蝴蝶落在馬克的肩頭,可在馬克回頭一看的時,蝴蝶卻飛跑了。隨之,鏡頭一轉,出現了馬克在陣地的鏡頭,他在給韓素音寫信,他寫道:“I used to think that I run out of things to write you..."突然,傳來了報警聲,他們帶上鋼盔,迅速轉進了戰壕,高空傳來了飛機的瘋炸。鏡頭切入韓素音的家中,她的好友帶來一份報紙,報道了馬克陣亡的消息,韓素音無法相信和接受這個悲傷的事實。
韓素音穿過鬧市,來到了她和馬克曾經度過美好時光的山上,她仿佛又看到了馬克向她走來,對他說:“Give me your hand." 她撫摸著那顆樹,突然在樹下痛苦起來了,馬克的畫外音想起:I often think healing is men's salvation. And I envy your ability to help. You deal with suffering,but you can do something about it. I can only stand and watch."此時,曾經落在馬克肩頭上的蝴蝶又飛回來了,We have not missed, you and I. We have not missed that many splendid things. 樹還在,山依舊,這是不再有他了,唯有記憶在,愛永恒,正如歌中所唱:
Love is a many-splendored thing
It's the April rose
That only grows in the early spring
Love is nature's way
Of giving a reason to be living
The golden crown that makes a man a king
Once on a high and windy hill
In the morning mist two lovers kissed
And the world stood still
Then your fingers touched my silent heart
And taught it how to sing
True love's a many-splendored thing
林貝卡 2011秋 寫於美國
我電影看的少,是enjoywater在美語壇推薦介紹,才知道的,我也喜歡Net King Cole的歌聲。
但卻十分喜愛Net King Cole 唱這首歌 ;
Love is a many splendored things
來源: [美語世界]enjoywater 於 2011-07-24 08:30:43