Arbing2011-02-16 21:19:40回複悄悄話
Thank you. I enjoyed it. I like Luo dayou, too, an unbelievably talented guy. Two of his are in my favorites all the time.
林貝卡2011-02-16 20:05:05回複悄悄話
Lo Ta-yu
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lo Ta-yu or Luo Dayou is a Taiwanese singer and songwriter who, during the 1980s, affected Chinese pop and rock music with his melodic lyrics, his love songs, and his witty social and political commentary. He is recognized as a major cultural icon in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China.
Stylistically, Lo Ta-yu defies classification. His early music in particular shows strong folk roots, and many of his songs tap into native Taiwanese cultural influences. Some songs are reminiscent of 1950s American diner and soda shop rock, and others exhibit a 1970s lounge lizard growl. What captured the hearts of a generation, however, were his lyrics, touching on issues of life, attitudes, social responsibility. The lyrical style is not particularly artsy or complex, but rather conversational; the cleverness comes in the meaning, not how the words are put together.
Thank you very much for your compliments.
Have a wonderful evening.
你的美極了! 謝謝!
Thank you so much for sharing your favorite songs which I enjoyed, too. I made posts for these two songs before. Here you go:
Happy Lantern Festival to you,
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lo Ta-yu or Luo Dayou is a Taiwanese singer and songwriter who, during the 1980s, affected Chinese pop and rock music with his melodic lyrics, his love songs, and his witty social and political commentary. He is recognized as a major cultural icon in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China.
Stylistically, Lo Ta-yu defies classification. His early music in particular shows strong folk roots, and many of his songs tap into native Taiwanese cultural influences. Some songs are reminiscent of 1950s American diner and soda shop rock, and others exhibit a 1970s lounge lizard growl. What captured the hearts of a generation, however, were his lyrics, touching on issues of life, attitudes, social responsibility. The lyrical style is not particularly artsy or complex, but rather conversational; the cleverness comes in the meaning, not how the words are put together.
鳳飛飛認為:“每一次都準備好的歌者,才能擁有真正的舞台。” (2005年4月12日,「歲月與歌聲之旅:鳳飛飛2005演唱會」記者會。)“彩虹雖然短暫,但你們(歌迷)卻一直把我放在心中,我很珍惜我們的彩虹情緣。”(2007年4月28日,「鳳飛飛2007世界巡迴演唱會」台北場。)