走馬讀人的油畫作品《Girl In Red》
《Girl In Red》是美語論壇走馬讀人的一幅油畫作品,他的油畫以細膩見長,和他的書法作品的風格皆然不同,他的書法作品灑脫流暢。我喜歡走馬讀人的《Girl In Red》這油畫,他畫出了這個女子優雅的神情,色彩也是如此的和諧。筆觸是如此的細膩,那微卷飄逸的黑發,那精致的金色項鏈,那芊芊玉手,那柔軟淡黃色的沙發,那綻放的紅玫瑰,配上她那紅色的低肩長裙,走馬讀人畫的是如此的美。
我把走馬讀人的這幅油畫作品做成了帖子,以答謝他對我的無數的提問的耐心回複和解答。我選用了紅色的模板底色,正好和畫中紅衣女子的裙子相配,背景音樂我選用了浪漫鋼琴演奏家Richard Clayderman 演奏的鋼琴曲《Lady Of Spain》,因為我的直覺告訴我,畫中的女子似乎有西班牙血統,後來我從走馬讀人的回複中等到了證實,畫中的女子的母親是西班牙人。 Richard Clayderman也是我喜歡的鋼琴演奏家之一,他的鋼琴曲通俗易懂,卻不乏柔情,他演奏的琴聲裏洋溢著著生活的美好,愛情的浪漫,人間的溫馨。
我在美語論壇曾對走馬讀人的這幅油畫作品《Girl In Red》問了如下問題:
1。 畫中的女人是西班牙女郎嗎?感覺她有西班牙血統。
2。 你花了多長時間完成了這幅作品?
3。 每次畫的時候,模特兒需要坐多長時間?一天嗎?中間有多長的間隙?
4。 這是你最滿意的作品嗎?
5。 你對這幅作品有何遺憾嗎?
Yes, in her mother side, you have keen eyes.
Ingres, the world famous artist, painted a portrait for about 13 years, I did less, but was a long time. One of the problems is foreshortening. (請點擊欣賞Ingres的油畫作品:Portrait of Madame Moitessier Sitting)
Modern portraitists use photograph as aid, besides 3-4 hours sitting, I was fortunate enough to have her sit for 18 hours. Usually,a model sits 3 hours per day in maximum, have plenty of breaks.
Yes, the original painting has much more nuance.
Yes, it does have some small parts could be refined further.
"Foreshortening is a technique used in perspective to create the illusion of an object receding strongly into the distance or background.
A familiar example of foreshortening would be when you look down a long straight road lined with trees, the two edges of the road appear to move towards each other and the trees look smaller the further away they are. Or if you're painting at a person lying on their back with their feet facing towards you, you'd paint their feet larger than their head to capture the illusion."
林貝卡 2010年 秋 於美國
來源: [美語世界] 走馬讀人 於 2010-09-25 21:02:27