Song: Do You Hear What I Hear
Artist: Andy Williams
"Do You Hear What I Hear?" is a very popular Christmas song with a joyful beat and beautiful melodies. It is often played in the stores during the Christmas season. It has been covered by hundreds of artists. The song in my post was performed by Andy Williams who was a legendary American pop singer. When Ronald Reagan was president, he declared Andy's voice to be "a national treasure".
According to Wikipedia, Noel Regney wrote the lyrics for the song, while Gloria Shayne composed the Christmas carol's music in October 1962. This was an unusual arrangement for the two writers. Usually it was Shayne who wrote the lyrics for their songs while Regney composed the music, as they did when they wrote a song based on the classic children's song "Rain Rain Go Away".
Regney was inspired to write the lyrics "Said the night wind to the little lamb, 'Do you see what I see?'" and "Pray for peace, people everywhere", after watching babies being pushed in strollers on the sidewalks of New York City. Shayne stated in an interview years later that neither could personally perform the entire song at the time they wrote it because of the emotions surrounding the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Rebecca Lin 2008 13 Autumn In USA
This is one of my favorite Christmas songs.
上個周末,我帶孩子們去商店購買聖誕禮物。商店裏已經充滿了節日的氣氛,一走進商店,就看到那裝飾好的聖誕樹,聖誕禮品可謂是琳琅滿目。商店裏不停地播放著聖誕歌曲,當我聽到《Do You Hear What I hear》&《The Little Drummer Boy》就特別地喜歡,百聽不厭。
一回到家裏,孩子們就開始寫聖誕卡,製作聖誕禮物了。當他們做好後,就拿給我看。" Look, mommy, see what I made? " 看到孩子們製作的一件件聖誕作品,我驚訝於他們的心靈手巧。我為我的孩子們自豪,也感謝孩子們帶給我作母親的幸福。
Happy Holidays,
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