林貝卡 (熱門博主)
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W綠袖子 演奏: 理查德·克萊德曼 畫家:丹蒂·加百利·羅塞蒂

林貝卡 2008 春 於美國

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林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 回複天涯人遠的評論:

天涯人遠 回複 悄悄話 貝卡,我小時候父親訂閱一本叫“台港文摘”的雜誌,那時我最喜歡讀封四上楚楚的散文,這記得是這一篇小文,讓我第一次知道了“綠袖子”。
天涯人遠 回複 悄悄話 【楚楚散文】《縱使相逢應不識》




林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 《綠袖子》

《綠袖子》是一首英國民謠,在依麗莎白女王時代就已經已廣為流傳,相傳是英皇亨利八世所作 (他是位長笛家),根據19世紀英國學者威廉﹒查培爾(William Chappell)所做的研究資料指出,《綠袖子》的旋律最早是記錄在16世紀末英國著名的魯特琴曲集《William Ballet"s Lute Book》,歌詞部份則出現在1584年。然而這首歌曲真正廣為流傳開來,則是在英國作曲家約翰﹒蓋伊(John Gay)將它編入為了對抗意大利歌劇所創作的《乞丐歌劇》(The Beggar"s Opera,1728)中。   

這首民謠的旋律非常古典而優雅,應該是一首描寫對愛情感到憂傷的歌曲,但它受到世人喜愛的層麵卻不僅僅局限在愛情的領域,有人將它換了歌詞演唱、也有人將它作為聖誕歌曲,而它被改編為器樂演奏的版本也是多不勝數,有小品、有室內樂、有管弦樂…,而這其中又以上述的《乞丐歌劇》和英國作曲家佛漢威廉斯(Vaughan illiams)所寫的《綠袖子幻想曲》(“Fantasia on Greensleeves”)最具代表性。   

在《綠袖子》的諸多樂器版本中,最能表現此曲略為淒美的情境,除了最早的魯特琴版本、吉他版本一直以其獨特的音色而獨樹一幟外。另一方麵,在眾多古典吉他改編的版本裡,又以英國魯特琴音樂家佛朗西斯﹒卡汀(Francis Cutting)所做的編曲最受大眾所推崇和喜愛。此外,比較著名的版本尚有奧地利吉他家卡爾﹒夏伊(Karl Scheit)為吉他二重奏所寫的《綠袖子變奏曲》。(摘自網絡)
林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 Greensleeves
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"My Lady Greensleeves" as depicted in an 1864 painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti."Greensleeves" is a traditional English folk song and tune, basically a ground of the form called a romanesca.

A widely-believed (but completely unproven) legend is that it was composed by King Henry VIII (1491-1547) for his lover and future queen consort Anne Boleyn. Anne, the youngest daughter of Thomas Boleyn, rejected Henry's attempts to seduce her. This rejection is apparently referred to in the song, when the writer's love "cast me off discourteously." However, it is most unlikely that King Henry VIII wrote it, as the song is written in a style which was not known in England until after Henry VIII died.

An alternative explanation is that Lady Green Sleeves was, as a result of of her attire, incorrectly assumed to be immoral. Her "discourteous" rejection of the singer's advances quite clearly makes the point that she is not.

In the page 500 of the Canterbury Tales (Penguin Classics, ISBN 0-140-42438-5), the translator Nevill Coghill explains that “green (for Chaucer’s age was the color of) lightness in love. This is echoed in ‘Greensleeves is my delight’ and elsewhere.”
林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 Richard Clayderman

Richard Clayderman (born Philippe Pagès on December 28, 1953, Paris) is a French pianist who has released numerous albums, including renditions and arrangements of popular music, French chansons, and popular piano works of Beethoven, Chopin and Mozart.

Most of his recordings focus on popular music in general and orchestral arrangements of well-known romantic songs in particular, such as Yesterday, The Sound of Silence and Memory, rather than on Jazz or Classical Music.

He is known to alter many famous pieces of music such as Für Elise. His music is generally played with an orchestra. This accompaniment is usually with James Last's orchestra.
林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 Dante Gabriel Rossetti
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dante Gabriel Rossetti (May 12, 1828 – April 09, 1882) was an English poet, illustrator, painter and translator.
