林貝卡 (熱門博主)
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(2008-03-20 13:21:20) 下一個

Today is the first day of Spring. After my little girl woke up, she said to me:" Happy first day of Spring to you, mommy."  My little girls are so sweet. My boys are so smart.  My kids are as pretty as the Spring flowers. Oh, Spring is offical here.

今天下午,我來到《美語世界》論壇,讀到了一語湖邊_lakeshore 分享並翻譯的席慕蓉撰寫的《一個春日的下午》。 席慕蓉的散文我讀得少,讀的最多的是她的詩作。她寫的《鄉愁》和《山路》等都是我非常喜歡的。


難以忘記小的時候學校組織的春遊,記得有一次,我們去的是白雲山。大家一到目的地,就開始歡快的往山頂奔去。剛開始,大家有說有笑,可是越往上,就感覺到山之高,路之險了。我和幾個膽小的同學,有點害怕了,打退堂鼓了,不敢再前行了,就往回走了。沒有想到,上山不易,下山更難了。費了好大的勁,總算下了山。佳琳和別的同學一直走到了山頂,領略了“無限風光在險峰”的美景,感受了“會當臨絕頂 一攬眾山小”的壯觀。夕陽西下的時候,我們依依不舍地告別了白雲山。

時光飛逝,物轉星移。沒有想到,數年後,我來到了美國。故鄉的春天,也一直留在我的記憶了,隨時都向我走來。如今的我,在春天裏,喜歡看我的孩子們放風箏,看他們的風箏飛得高高的,看他們快樂的綠色的草地上奔跑著,好不愜意。我也喜歡帶著我的孩子們去公園野餐。一到公園,孩子們就開始在playground玩開了,孩子們坐在秋千上,蕩漾著,快樂地笑著,他們不停地叫喊著:"Mommy, push me higher and higher."孩子們是如此的純真,無憂無慮,羨慕他們有幸福的童年。

當我的兩個女孩看到蝴蝶飛過來時,就跳下秋千,追蝴蝶去了。My little one also jumped out of the swing. He went to sand box to build sand castle. 兩個大孩子一遍喝著飲料,漫步在草地上,兩個人嬉笑著鬧著,總有說不完的話。Brothers are brothers after all.

我有了片刻的寧靜,就坐在秋千上,享受著這春日的陽光,思緒也飄揚著。。。。。。當孩子們長大成人後,他們是否會想起童年的快樂時光?春天真好,她帶著希望,她帶來綠意。讓我們伴隨著《Voice Of Spring》,在春天起舞吧。

一個春日的下午 作者:席慕蓉 翻譯:美語世界 一語湖邊_lakeshore

很小的時候,在南京住過兩年。有一次,有人給了我一塊石頭,圓圓潤潤的一 小顆,乳黃色裏帶有一種透明的光澤,很漂亮。那年大概是五歲的我,非常喜歡它,走出走進都帶著,把它叫做“我的寶石”。

When I was very little, I had been living in Nanjing for 2 years.( the Capital of Jiang-shu Province China, about 2-3 hours by an Express Train from shanghai; it is on the Yang-Zi River) once, I was given a tiny stone, oval-shaped, and silky smooth touching, yellowish colored but shines from within crystal-alike, very pretty. Me, only five, liked it so much; It had been with me in and out all along, I called it "my precious stone".


One evening, it was dark already when I stood in the courtyard outside. Suddenly, an idea occupied my little heart, what will happen to it if I throw it away into the darkness? or if I could find it back again? Then, I threw it behind my back, the stone dropped into a bush of grass behind me. Surprisingly, I regretted at the moment I did it. Quite consciously, in my understanding that I could never find it back, and how stupid I was of doing so.


So true that I was unable to get it back. the lawn was not big, and grass not so tall, Yet, it fell as I thought, no matter how hard I tried, looking every piece of the grass, searched every single inch of the land, finally never could I find it back, my stone, so precious, lost for so ever.

這麽多年過去了,我自然能記得院子裏那一種昏黃的暮色和那個孤獨的小女孩 在草叢裏搜尋時的慌亂與悔恨的心情。這麽多年過去了,我也走過不少地方,經曆了不少事情,看過不少石頭,家裏 也搜集了不少美麗的或者奇怪的礦石,但是,沒有一顆可以替代、可以讓我忘記我在五歲時丟失的那一顆。

Many years had gone by, but still naturally I memorized when under darkened sky and the regretless in a flurry in finding it  back. So as time past, places have been traveled, things experienced; Stones, and Rocks in home collection or on the shelves; strange or pretty, yet nothing is in comparable with that 'little yellowish stone'. None of them can replace the one on my little mind, the memory of the one of my five years age is ( not ) inerasable.

我總會不時地想起它來,在我心裏,它的圓潤和美麗實在是無法替代的了。尤其是因為過錯是由我自己造成的,是我親手把它拋棄的,所以,那樣的憾恨總是無法彌補。也因此,那一顆小小的原本並不足為奇的石頭,竟然真的變成了我心裏的 一顆寶石了。

Always, it came into my mind time and time again, the smoothness and beauty of it is definitely implacable. Especially, it was I that had thrown it away, my mistake, my own decision, so no remedy could be made to it. And because the same why, that very ordinarily looking a tiny stone as its origin, as to me, had turned into a really 'precious ruby in yellowish color'.

當然,有的時候,我也知道這一種執迷本身實在是很幼雅和很可笑的。不是嗎 ?想一想,當年的我若是能在那個傍晚找回那顆石頭,在小小的五歲孩童的手中又能保留多久呢?還不是也會和那些早已被我毀壞被我丟棄的童年時的玩具一樣,徹徹底底地從我的記憶裏消失,一絲痕跡也不會留下來嗎?事實不是就應該隻是如此 而已嗎?

For sure, some times, I knew it was quite childish and fool to be so stumble as that. If it is so, Juts think, if when at that night, I had found my 'precious' back that night?  How long could it have been staying in hand of five? Without too much traces or totally disappeared from my mind, alike damaged toys or other loss in childhood. Shouldn't it like this happenings or nevertheless? 

可是,就是因為那天的我始終沒能把它找回來,它因此反而始終不會消失,始終停留在我的心裏,變成了我心中最深處的一種模糊的憾恨,而它的形象也因為這 一種憾恨的襯托反而變得更為清晰與美麗了。因此,得與失之間,實在是不能隻從表麵來衡量來判斷的了,不是嗎?

However, only because that I couldn't get it back that night, it became immortalized ever since. it stays on my mind, a regret-fullness, (a bit of vague image mirrored ) , in the deepest place of my mind. And in imaginary, with this regret-fullness in the back, it became clearer, and prettier, as it turned. So, from in between, the lost and what you gained later, sometimes, it is quite beyond what we could judge from only a skin deep? is it right?



Please click to enjoy: Heart Of Spring
Please click to enjoy: Emily Dickinson Poems
Please click to enjoy: What A Wonderful World

Nice ! Wonderful !
--sweet10 評論於:2008-03-20 17:15:41







--想去看海 評論於:2008-03-20 17:23:52


Happy Easter。
--娓娓 評論於:2008-03-20 19:44:13

[ 打印 ]
閱讀 ()評論 (11)
林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 The Complete Poems Of Emily Dickinson

林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 回複娓娓的評論:

Thank you.

Happy Easter to you, too.

娓娓 回複 悄悄話 立春之際問候Rebecca春安!
Happy Easter!
林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 回複想去看海的評論:


Have a wonderful evening,

林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 回複sweet10的評論:

Thank you.

Have a nice evening,

想去看海 回複 悄悄話 這個帖子的圖片裏的湖也好像我家鄉的湖,好想念啊。

想去看海 回複 悄悄話 Rebecca的描寫的春天真的很美,你看著孩子們戲耍,蕩秋千,放風箏的樣子,一定把春天的圖景點綴地更美麗溫馨。







sweet10 回複 悄悄話 Nice ! Wonderful !
林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 【 一個春日的下午 】試譯席慕蓉散文

來源: [ 美語世界] 一語湖邊_lakeshore 於 08-03-20 09:48:18
