Cisco在我們市裏遊泳俱樂部訓練,我每天晚上送他去訓練兩個小時。He is very good at swimming. He is really relaxing in water. I enjoy watching him swimming: smooth and glaceful. Becky and Tony are good swimmers, too.
Daniel is my little "Beethoven". I enjoy listening to him playing For Alice at home. Ivana is my little "artist". She always shows me her fantastic paintings. All my kids take painting classes, too.
Wow, that is very good because I know what it is like. Once my hubby went to China with my son and I was at home myself. I really enjoyed the time and only start missing them at late stage.
I did something house work when enjoying your songs. My husband, Vincent took my son to study. Next Friday is my son's first day of high school certificate exam.
Guess what? I have the weekend all to myself. Bob took kids to another city for Cisco's swimming competiton. They will be back home tomorrow. I chose to stay at home this time so that I have some free time all to myself and have some peace and quiet.
My pleasure.
Have a nice week,
Thank you very much for your good wishes and words. He will be happy when I tell him.
Have a nice week,
Oh, I forgot to tell you that I like 歌曲:一生有你 歌手:水木年華.
Cisco在我們市裏遊泳俱樂部訓練,我每天晚上送他去訓練兩個小時。He is very good at swimming. He is really relaxing in water. I enjoy watching him swimming: smooth and glaceful. Becky and Tony are good swimmers, too.
Daniel is my little "Beethoven". I enjoy listening to him playing For Alice at home. Ivana is my little "artist". She always shows me her fantastic paintings. All my kids take painting classes, too.
Good night,
WOW,你的Cisco 相當厲害嗎。體育好是遺傳了你的基因呢。
海灣,也祝福 your son's high school certificate exam . 肯定也是個很棒的好兒子。
Thank you so much for your messages. I am cooking right now.
I hope everything goes well with your son's high school certificate exam. Good luck to him.
Happy weekend to you and your family,
Wow, that is very good because I know what it is like. Once my hubby went to China with my son and I was at home myself. I really enjoyed the time and only start missing them at late stage.
I did something house work when enjoying your songs. My husband, Vincent took my son to study. Next Friday is my son's first day of high school certificate exam.
Enjoy your quiet and freedom.
Yeah, it is a sad and touching song. I like 水影子的templet very much. It is so artistic.
How is your weekend so far?
Guess what? I have the weekend all to myself. Bob took kids to another city for Cisco's swimming competiton. They will be back home tomorrow. I chose to stay at home this time so that I have some free time all to myself and have some peace and quiet.
Have a nice weekend,
名字: 水木年華
國家或地區: 中國大陸
1993年 在校成立夢中草原合唱團,並獲當年北京市高校歌曲比賽一等獎
1994年 成功舉辦夢中草原清華演唱會
1995-1997年 在北京某設計院擔任建築設計師
2000年 簽約北京喜洋洋文化發展有限公司同年出版個人專輯《未來的未來》,並獲得數項年度最佳新人獎
2001年 成立水木年華演唱組,和清華好友李健共同從事音樂創作
2001年9月 發行同名專輯《水木年華-一生有你》
2002年6月 發行第二張專輯《青春正傳》
2002年8月 清華校友繆傑,姚勇共同加入“水木年華”這支清華音樂人的隊伍,和盧庚戌一起成為專職音樂人
姓名:繆 傑
1993 年考入清華大學電子工程係,加入清華藝術團合唱團,任男高音聲長,隨團多次參加北京音樂廳專場演出等大型活動,並獲得北京市大學生合唱比賽第一名
1995年 與朋友重新建立清華大學校園歌曲協會
1998年 於清華大學成功舉辦個人作品演唱會,同年畢業
1998年-2002年 在IBM中國有限公司擔任高級係統服務專家,項目經理
2002年8月 離開IBM, 加入“水木年華”