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In the Spirit of Peace

(2006-08-09 00:14:24) 下一個

In the Spirit of Peace

Leslee Dru Browning


In her mind there had always been the sea. How had she come to love the power of the sweet green water and all it represented? The abundance of life it provided for, and the beauty and grace for which it stood. No matter how many difficulties she endured, no matter how many years had passed, the sea was always there for her, pulling her into it, calling her to travel the depth of its floor where the mystery washed her clean. The sea was a bridge between her body, her spirit and another world. The water opened up a secret place within her and filtered her mind's eye like a lens on a camera, with the lens she viewed all that had become precious to her, all that she once treasured, a place she knew as home.

---from Silent Thunder by Leslee



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