1。在布什父子倆的領導下,共和黨早幾經脫離了裏根奠定的保守主義。 黨內溫和派把持席位,一個以保衛美國和美國人民自由為宗旨的大黨,變成了一個同民主黨沒什麽區別的政黨。以麥肯和格蘭為代表共和黨溫和派,在人民需要他們強硬的時候,沒有任何勇氣揭穿以奧巴馬為代表的激進左派的真麵目,迎頭痛擊,卻讓他們步步緊逼,任意踐踏憲法,強奸民意,造成美國走向社會主義道路的今天,共和黨內必須反省,清理隊伍,維護和捍衛美國的憲法,保護人民的自由和國家的強大。
3。這次投票,有30個民主黨同共和黨站在一起,本身就說明奧巴馬醫療改革不是一個好的提案。共和黨最後把寶押到10多位反墜胎的民主黨身上,這也是不得已的。但最後,民主黨還是民主黨,在奧巴馬背後交易下,出賣美國人民的利益。最後以7票通過。說明什麽? 說明老毛說的對:民主黨根本就沒原則!
4。50%以上的美國人反對奧巴馬的醫改,但所有媒體都為奧巴馬造勢,包括FOX NEWS在最後階段也是不斷說提案會通過。這並不說明美國人民向往社會主義,媒體怎麽給奧巴馬搖旗呐喊,說也不能說明民主黨違背美國憲法的提案是得民心的。因此,共和黨要同茶黨運動配合起來,在11月份中選中重振河山,高舉裏根保守主義大旗,為保護美國人民的自由,維護美國憲法,全線出擊。
白宮發言人(中宣部) AP (新華社) MSNBC (CCTV-4) CNN (CCTV-4) NBC (CCTV-4) ABC (CCTV-4) CBS (CCTV-4) PBS (CCTV-4) BBC (CCTV-9) USA TODAY (人民日報海外版) NEW YORK TIMES (人民日報) WASHINGTON POST (光明日報) LA TIMES (文匯報) SF CHRONICLE (解放日報) NEWSWEEK (紅旗) YAHOO (新浪網) AOL (搜狐網) 好萊塢(八一,北影,上影,長影)
偏右媒體 FOX NEWS (南方日報) |
this is the most ridiculous comments I've heard. By the way, I want to live whereever i feel comfortable... and fortunately I don't live in USA...
Health care in the U.S. is about 16% of its GDP. In 2007, about $2.26 trillion was spent on health care, and health care costs are rising faster than wages or inflation... In fact, government health care spending in USA is consistently greater than in Canada, Italy, the United Kingdom and Japan, the universal health care provide to public. But still 32million people cannot afford health insurence in USA.
In unites states, we have the best health care of the world. If they system is so terrible, why don't you go back to china or other third world country? I only know people from all over the world come here for the health care, not vice versa.
Don't tell me you are can't afford your health insurance. That just mean you are damn too lazy to work, too stupid to improve yourself or too cheap to purchase the insurance. Beside,in united states, you can get access to the health care, even if you are illegal and never pay tax. All you have to do is to go to ER room. Why isn't Obama address this issue?
美國60%的破產是因為無力支付醫療費用,無論你是大學教授還是普通工人;美國的醫療費用支出占GDP16%,$2.26 trillion,但還是有3000多萬人沒有保險 - 從這個角度上說,還真不是你努力工作養家糊口就可以了。。。別怪我問你,LZ你能生得起一場大病嗎?在美國和在第三世界國家差不多。
at the end of the day, we all need to take care of ourselves.
紅衛兵能文能武,誓死捍衛領袖,誰反對他誰就得被打倒。可惜,到頭來,不過是被利用的棋子罷了。 在美國,還是多自己掙些錢養家糊口吧。
haha, 你可真是太有才了!篤信宗教的人可以不用擔心生老病死,反正死後正好上天堂。
“說明老毛說的對:民主黨根本就沒原則!” - LZ,你這話很不靠譜呀!
再者,奧巴馬用了13個月希望能夠和共和黨溝通 - 不然看看參眾兩院,他早就通過醫改方案了 - 是共和黨人在用共產主義、社會主義詞匯嚇唬百姓 - 他們還真是沒有見識過什麽是真正的社會主義。
堅決要求撤銷一切公共福利,同時撤銷所有稅收! 病了? 強者可以挺得過,弱者正好淘汰。 老不死的早點死,也是為人類作貢獻。
的確,奧巴馬給共和黨上了一課,隻用隨意的共產主義和社會主義來攻擊別人是沒有用的,看不見醫療製度的問題,一個政黨還不如普通老百姓 - 也是共和黨的失利 - 共和黨沒有什麽資格代表人民 - 人民在2008年已經用選票說明不用他們來做決定了,不是嗎?
7 Sickening Questions About Obamacare
What government program has ever reduced the deficit? Why are some in the White House and Congress exempt from this plan? And those questions are just for starters...
A new CBS News poll finds that “nearly two in three Americans want Republicans in Congress to continue to challenge parts of the health care reform bill.” At this point, there will only be minor technical changes in the bill even with the new House vote required for final passage. But the battle over public opinion goes on. Here are seven sickening questions about Obamacare that all Americans must consider:
1. What big government entitlement program has ever:
• Reduced the deficit?
• Only cost what it says it will and lowered the costs of goods and services?
• Improved quality?
• Enhanced efficiency?
• Decreased delays?
• Fostered more choice and competition?
• Featured competent bureaucracy?
• Operated with honest accounting?
• Avoided fraud, abuse, waste, maddening red tape, and higher taxes?
Why should we trust that Obamacare will do all that? Obamacare’s deceptive budget cooking was described in one instance by Senate Budget Committee chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) as "a Ponzi scheme of the first order, the kind of thing that Bernie Madoff would have been proud of."
2. Why does Obamacare exempt some in Congress and the White House from having to buy the same health care plans that the law forces other Americans to purchase: President Obama, Vice President Biden, Cabinet members, top White House staff, congressional committee staff and leadership staff, such as those who work for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)?
Republican Senators Chuck Grassley (Iowa) and Tom Coburn (Oklahoma) tried to close this loophole, but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) wouldn’t even let it come up for a vote. As Grassley says, “It’s only fair and logical that top administration officials, who fought so hard for passage of this overhaul of America’s health care system, experience it themselves. If it’s as good as promised, they’ll know it first-hand. If there are problems, they’ll be able to really understand them, as they should.”
3. How will we deal with a doctor shortage caused by Obamacare, particularly when doctors are being asked to treat 32 million more Americans now insured by the new law?
The Medicus Firm a medical recruitment company, found in a survey that 46 percent of physicians said they’d quit or retire if Obamacare became law. According to the survey, "even if a much smaller percentage such as ten, 15, or 20 percent are pushed out of practice over several years at a time when the field needs to expand by over 20 percent, this would be severely detrimental to the quality of the health care system."
4. How will patients—particularly senior citizens—feel when their doctors and even hospitals tell them, “Sorry, but we’re only taking on non-Medicare patients who pay privately, in full”?
The New York Times (which championed Obamacare) wrote last year that “Some doctors—often internists but also gastroenterologists, gynecologists, psychiatrists and other specialists—are no longer accepting Medicare, either because they have opted out of the insurance system or they are not accepting new patients with Medicare coverage. The doctors’ reasons: reimbursement rates are too low and paperwork too much of a hassle.” Under ObamaCare, physicians’ Medicare fees are supposed to be cut 21 percent and hospital reimbursements for Medicare patients chopped by $1.3-billion. How long can doctors and hospitals sustain those losses before they’re forced to pull the plug on treating Medicare patients (although some exceptions may be made in dire emergencies)? Count on Congress to use budget tricks like temporary “fixes” to defer those cuts until at least after the November elections.
5. How can President Obama claim that insurance premiums will go down when the very same nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office he quotes, selectively, has said that Obamacare will cause the average family’s premiums to go up by as much as 13 percent by 2016?
6. Remember the “jobs saved or created” canard regarding Obama’s economic stimulus?
The president is repeating that fantasy by applying it to Obamacare. However, the nonpartisan Lewin Group estimates that as many as 600,000 people will lose their jobs due to the onerous new employer health care mandates in Obamacare.
7. Do you realize that Obamacare turns Medicare into what should really be called "Medi-pare"?
Obamacare slices $528-billion from Medicare, including $136-billion carved out of Medicare Advantage. As The Washington Examiner’s Susan Ferrechio has reported, “The Medicare Advantage cuts will force 4.8 million seniors off the popular plan by 2019. An additional $23 billion in cuts to Medicare will come from a panel charged with slashing Medicare spending.”
Those are just some of the gut-wrenching questions about Obamacare that cry out for answers. But as the expression goes, “It’s what you don’t know that really hurts you.” Obamacare is so full of dubious assumptions that in future years we may rename it Obama’s box, as in Pandora’s box.
還真有你這麽天真的人,居然還振振有詞。 看副總統拜登是怎麽看奧巴馬醫改的:
"Although President Obama repeatedly said he had no idea how health care politics would play out, Vice President Joe Biden told a fundraising audience Wednesday the White House would have been doomed without it.
"If we were unable to move the ball on this issue, not only in the political sense might we be dead," Biden said, according to the pool report filed on the event. "But in terms of being able to deal with other major issues on our plate, we would've been done. Absolutely done."