1。奧巴馬是蒯大富, 當年文革紅衛兵頭頭。他的背後是肯尼迪家族和索羅斯財團。
September 8, 2008
THE Post today enthusiastically urges the election of Sen. John S. McCain as the 44th president of the United States.
McCain's lifelong record of service to America, his battle-tested courage, unshakeable devotion to principle and clear grasp of the dangers and opportunities now facing the nation stand in dramatic contrast to the tissue-paper-thin résumé of his Democratic opponent, freshman Sen. Barack Obama.
McCain has been in Washington for many years now, but he is not of Washington. He knows where the levers of power are located - and how to manipulate them - but he is not controlled by them.
McCain's selection of the charming, but rock-solid, outsider Sarah Palin as his running mate underscores the point.
Neither plays well with others.
And this is an unalloyed asset at a time when special interests - lobbyists, lawyers and organized labor chief among them - wield enormous influence in the nation's capital.
McCain's Democratic opponents, Obama and Sen. Joseph Biden, lead a party constructed of special interests - public-employee unionists in particular.
There are many reasons to support the McCain-Palin ticket. Here are but a few:
* National security: The differences between McCain and Obama are especially stark.
McCain says 9/11 represented a two-decade "failure . . . to respond to . . . a [growing] global terror network." He understood that Iraq is a critical front in the war on terror - and he urged perseverance even in the dark days that preceded the success of "the surge."
Obama backed policies that would have abandoned Iraq to its fate, he bitterly opposed the surge, and once insisted that US forces invade Pakistan in search of Osama bin Laden - seemingly without regard for the potential consequences of attacking a nuclear-armed nation, ally or not.
Regarding a nuclear Iran, McCain has pushed for the strongest possible international sanctions and diplomatic pressure. Obama opposes sanctions.
And, when Russia invaded the former Soviet republic of Georgia, threatening a return to the Cold War, McCain reacted with stern disapprobation: "We must remind Russia's leaders that the benefits they enjoy from being part of the civilized world require their respect for the values, stability and peace of that world."
Obama called for UN action - unaware, apparently, that Russia's Security Council veto would have prevented any.
* Taxes: McCain knows that when government absorbs ever-larger shares of national income, the economy suffers.
High tax rates diminish investment, killing jobs and stunting growth.
And while Obama promises tax cuts for "95 percent" of Americans, what he actually is proposing is some $650 billion in tax-credit-driven hikes in entitlement and other spending, to be paid for with heavier imposts across the board, but especially on investment - like a sharply higher capital-gains tax.
This is bad news for the millions of ordinary Americans who own stocks, either personally or through pension funds or who plan someday to sell their homes or other real property.
McCain, wisely, vows to keep capital-gains taxes at 15 percent and to keep the Bush-era tax cuts in place - understanding that new growth will boost revenue, and promising to make up the rest with spending restraint.
And he's called for a one-year freeze on most discretionary spending and an end to pork-barrel giveaways.
* Trade: "I object when Senator Obama and others preach the false virtues of economic isolationism," says McCain - noting that "globalization is an opportunity" for US workers. He adds that while emerging economies like those of China and India are worrisome, the answer is competition informed by education and innovation - not protectionism.
* Energy: On the economic issue most vexing Americans today - energy prices - McCain is aggressive
He is a strong convert to offshore drilling: "We have trillions of dollars' worth of oil and gas reserves in the US at a time we are exporting hundreds of billions of dollars a year overseas to buy energy."
He also strongly backs nuclear power - a carbon-free form of energy that America can produce relatively cheaply.
Obama, meanwhile, hews to the Democratic Party line on energy: no nukes, no drilling and no comprehension of the consequences of such policies.
None of this implies an iota of disrespect toward Obama. It took a formidable candidacy to defeat Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton - a candidacy, by the way, which we strongly supported earlier this year.
And the intelligence, the organizational skills and the ability to communicate that Obama demonstrated from the beginning dramatically underscore the history that is being made by the first African-American to head a major-party presidential ticket.
He should be around for a long time, and we hope that he is.
In the end, though, sound security, economic and energy policies - plus allegiance to principle - are critical to keeping America safe and strong.
On all counts, John McCain and Sarah Palin understand this - and that's why we're in their corner to the finish.
嘿嘿,但是內容就空洞的跟白癡有一拚,就會喊"change change"
所以~~~ 期待這個S13 上台吧
奧巴馬真的是理想主義者嗎? by Styx
看奧巴馬在民主黨大會的演講,哪怕我再不讚同他的政治主張,也不得不讚歎他的演講才份。看他眼神神聖空洞地遊離,緩緩掃過如癡如醉忘記了歡呼的人群,帶著與上帝對話的姿態高呼”hope and change” 時,如果沒有了解任何此次選舉的其他背景,在此情此景的當下,誰都會把他看作上帝派來清掃華盛頓政壇汙垢和解救美國人民於內政外交憂患的使者了吧?
奧巴馬貌似清新的形象(right, that was what his running mate Biden said, clean),或許可以讓他可以勝任薄荷口香糖的代言人, 但他卻絕非人們想象的理想主義者,哪怕經驗不足,卻憑著一腔變革的熱情可以為人民鞠躬盡瘁死而後已。
首先,從奧巴馬的出身來看,複雜的背景很難讓他成為克林頓所說的naïve idealist. 一出生即被親生父母遺棄,年輕的白人母親要繼續遊學四方,“獻身”革命,從肯尼亞來的黑人父親要回到祖國,投身政壇以期在非洲實現社會主義。他由白人外祖母撫養成人,後來還跟隨母親和中東的繼父生活了一段時間。對膚色的心理認同一直是他心頭的糾結。他幼時的名字是Barry Obama, 成人後自己改成更趨於黑人身份的 Barrack Hossain Obama,從中可見其矛盾和掙紮,也是因為一個黑人的身份能為他撈取更多政治上的便利。雖然我們知道龍生龍鳳生鳳的等級觀念是政治上嚴重不正確的,但是如果一個人對自己的身份認同從小缺乏安全感,需要不斷掙紮和認證,他成年後的心裏也會一直有空洞和陰影。難怪他成年後的第一本書獻給了他從未謀麵的親生父親,也許試圖填補這一空洞?還是他父親建議政府100%征稅再統一照顧所有公民的社會主義立場讓他遙遙共鳴?一個心理有陰影和缺陷的人是不會成為真正的理想主義者的。
第二,奧巴馬在成年後的重要導師和“朋友”們無一例外是共產黨、極左恐怖分子、或者極度憎恨美國特別是美國白人的黑人優越論者。如是一兩個例子或者還是偶然,但是這些人物一個個浮出水麵,卻讓人對奧巴馬自己的真正“信仰”深表懷疑。當你看到他莊嚴神聖像一個真正的總統一樣以“God bless America” 結束他的演講時,難道腦子裏不會浮現出他的黑人牧師Rev. Jeremiah Wright 歇斯底裏的仇恨呼叫,“God D*** America”嗎?他在他的教堂聽他布道20年,卻宣稱從來沒有意識到這位牧師有如此反美和仇恨白人的觀點言論。那被捧為神子一般的奧巴馬對上帝和教堂也太不敬了吧!事實上,每當一個他的親密朋友卷入官司或被揭出醜聞時,這位幹幹淨淨的候選人總是說,”this is not the ***** I used to know”. Well, 看來我們隻好真的相信他是如此簡單不知世事的理想主義者,連基本的善惡都一而再再而三地不能分清。美國需要這樣的“理想主義者”做總統嗎?
第三,披著這樣“理想主義者”外衣的奧巴馬從個人操守來說其實是相當危險的。看他極富煽動性的演講,不僅讓人想起8年前的那個陳水扁,一樣的情辭意以變革為題把民意玩得暈頭轉向。如果奧巴馬上台,陳水扁的今天或許就是他的明天。我沒有誇張其辭。奧巴馬的另外一個多年好友,芝加哥地產商,Tony Rezko 在06年因操縱地方選舉和信用欺詐入獄。而奧巴馬夫婦在案發之前不久從他手裏低價買入了他現在的百萬豪宅!Rezko 同時還為奧巴馬的競選多次募捐,是他在芝加哥的重要籌款人之一!作為回報,Rezko 控製了當時芝加哥和公共醫療事業相關的地產開發。而當時奧巴馬是州議會公共健康和人道服務委員會的主席!難道不會有人懷疑這中間的聯係嗎?但是奧巴馬在接受采訪時卻極力撇清和Rezko的關係,稱隻是普通認識,從他那裏買房完全合法。隻是他也暗示他們的妻子間交往可能多一些,這簡直是陳水扁吳淑珍的美國版了!if that’s not enough for your nerve,Rezko 的資金中還有很大的中東背景。和他同時被捕的就有一個是伊拉克的商人。這樣奧巴馬何以在短短兩年內從岌岌無聞的州議員變成全國政治明星,他的背景和資金來源就相當可疑。好一個從芝加哥黑金政治泥潭中熏染出來的“理想主義者”!
第四,奧巴馬以理想主義者的姿態在他的施政綱領中訴求美國的經濟公正(”economic justice”)和社會正義(”social justice”),其實質一是推行社會主義式的財富再分配,二是為他的黑人弟兄們向美國社會“討債”來了。他在演講中一再強調,他的稅收改革"will benefit 95% working families in the United States”, 不知就裏的大多數華人聽了還心花怒放,對啊,我們夫婦都起早貪黑為公司賣命,不就是” working family” 嘛!錯了,奧巴馬自己很早就給working class 下了定義,家庭年可稅收入在5萬美元以下!美國這樣的家庭現在交的稅是多少呢?接近於0!這樣奧巴馬的稅收政策真的是劫富濟貧,讓財富從富有階層(當然他自己是人民公仆,雖然住著百萬豪宅,是不能算入內的)和中產階級(包括像我住著公寓幹一天掙一天的口糧,卻被他的計算法摒出了勞動人民階層的)向低收入階層(包括大量躺在政府救濟上過日子的黑人和拉美裔)無償流動!這樣的劫富濟貧對經濟活力的損害是不用多說的,而對低收入階層是否是真的幫助呢?否!更多的政府補貼隻會讓本來有工作的低收入者完全退出勞動力市場,他們的生活也就逐漸變成完全仰仗政府恩惠,他們對“富人”也會更加虎視眈眈地仇恨,隻想通過政府從他們那兒得到更多,而不是通過教育和努力工作改善處境,加入“富人”之列。真正的收益人是誰呢?是奧巴馬這樣的“理想主義者”,“社會正義”執行者!因為隻有不斷地投票給他們,窮人們才能保住不用工作生活無虞的眼前利益,而在這樣的政策下,窮人群體隻會迅速擴大,他們的票倉也就保住了!適時美國將提前實現“各盡所能,按需分配”的共產主義理想,而離淪入歐洲加拿大一類的二流國家為時也不遠了。對奧巴馬自己來說,這也許是他“理想主義”的實現和升華,對數代美國人來說,這個代價是不是大了一點呢?
That's another topic. What do you think?