很多美國人都認為我是這裏出生的亞州人。就算我告訴他們我是中國人,他們還是不信。他們說你不帶眼鏡,會說笑話,人很風趣,英文沒外國口音, 你不象是中國人。看來老中在老美心中的形象還不夠吸引人。
我去日本,日本人把我當日本人,跟我說日語,我跟他們說英語,雖然我會幾句日本話。我去韓國,韓國人以為我是韓國人,跟我說韓語。我跟他們說英語,因為我根本不會說韓國話。我去歐洲,當地人跟我說斷斷續續的英文,結果我說英文比他們還溜,他們肯定知道我不是來自亞洲的遊客。當我告訴他們我是加州來的,他們的眼神充滿了尊敬。 我沒必要說是美國的加州,誰都知道加州在哪裏。他們說,好萊塢啊,那你一定認識很多電影明星了。看來大家都跟我一樣愛看電影。
真是滑稽的很, 誰不說自己的家鄉好啊。
Where are you from?
Some people here are always curious about the nationality of people they meet. If you are a chinese, then they like to know which city you are from, sounds like they know a lot of cities in China. Actually, all they know is Beijing, Shanghai, or Xian.
My answer to those questions is: from my office or from home.Really, where I come from has nothing to do with what I do and who I am. If you like to know me, then you should understand that if I don't ask where you are from, you shouldn't ask me that question either. I am more interested in knowing what you do and who you are.
Americans always think that I was born here. When I finally tell them that I am from China, they still won't believe it. You don't wear glasses, you tell jokes, you are funny, you don't have accent, they say, you are not a Chinese.So I guess a Chinese in an American mind is not that attractive after all.
When I was in Japan, Japanese talked Japanese to me. I always spoke English back although I do speak some Japanese.When I was in Korea, Korean talked Korean to me, I always spoke English back since I don't speak Korean at all.When I was in Europe, local people spoke broken English to me . When I spoke English faster than they could, no doubt in their mind this guy was not another Asian tourist, and they always looked at me respectfully when I said I from California. I don't need to add US after California. since everyone knows where California is. Hollywood, they say, you must know a lot of movie stars. I guess people see a lot of American movies like I do.
Mainland Chinese people can tell that I am from Beijing when I speak Chinese, and I am from Beijing. But Taiwanese will confuse when I do use some their words that I have learned from friends from Taiwan. So which city are you from actually?My answer to them is Beijing, China and why do you care. Are you going not trust me because I am from Beijing?
Chinese people like to know other people's background very much, and then they classify you to certain group type before they know about you. If you are from Beijing, then you like to bull shit; if you are from Shanghai, then money is everything; if you are from Northeast, then you treat women like crap; if you are from Guangdong, you like to eat anything and also keep a second wife; if you are from Henan, then you are a lier; if you are from Northwest, then you are a dirt digger... So which region of China produces the best kind of people then? Of course it is the region that he or she is from.
This is so ridiculous. Who would trash their hometown?
The world is my home, I am a citzen of this planet. I travel around the world for business and pleasure. If you care so much about where people come from, then I think you should work for FBI or CIA, you may do a better job for our national security .