
  • 博客訪問:

[政論]為什麽不能選HILLARY為總統?(3) (圖)

(2007-01-27 19:30:21) 下一個



當New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan宣布退休,民主黨大佬們,包括 New York 眾議員Charles Rangel建議Hillary參加 2000年參議員的競選。這個建議與Hillary一拍即合,隨後Clinton兩口子在New York北部的Chappaqua買了房子。


從來沒在New York州居住更沒參與任何New York州政治活動的Hillary在前New York市長Rudy Giuliani因病退出競選的前提下,打敗了無名小子Rick Lazio,當上了代表New York州的參議員。

Clinton剛上台的時候,給Hillary一個行政職位,要對保險製度進行改革。Hillary比Clinton還出風頭,到出演講,約見參眾兩院的議員們,推行她自己的政治理念,引起全美國上下的反感。大家認為選的是Clinton夫婦這種選一送一的做法是對公眾的選舉的欺騙。在一片反對聲中,Hillary才有所收斂。她那不切實際的National Insurance Plan也不了了之。


通過與著名的保守派參議員共同提案,Hillary把自己變成了一個中間派。她在Abortion和焚國旗方麵站到保守派這一邊,更重要的是她支持對伊拉克的戰爭。這一切,使她在去年選舉中獲得了upstate New York高達61%的來自保守派的支持率。大名鼎鼎的保守派大佬參議員Sam Brownback公開為自己曾發表對Hillary敵意看法而道歉。

Hillary這種180度大轉變遭到了左派陣營的一片罵聲。去年6月在左派Campaign for America's Future的大會上,Hillary的發言被哄鬧。反戰母親Cindy Sheehan說Hillary右到可以和Rush Limbaugh相比.




為了競選而競選,為了拉選票而改變自己的政治立場,就象台灣的陳水扁一樣,這樣的人也許能拉到別人的選票,但要成為美國總統, 本人這張是不會投給她的。


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noso 回複 悄悄話 回複PROFESSOR3的評論:

you can like Bill and Hillary, I have no problem with that. That's your choice. BTY, I wrote this one year ago, things have changed.
PROFESSOR3 回複 悄悄話 在美國住10年以上,您才會搞明白,真正的統一的美國是不存在的。凡是拿“愛國主義”說事兒的,都是像布什一樣的騙子,而美國又是個最容易受騙的民族。
noso 回複 悄悄話 chinesechinesechines:你轉的這篇文章好。Thanks. 到目前還沒有一個候選人讓人有如此反感。問題就在於她有太大的個人野心而沒有任何的領導才能和政治遠見以及可行的方針政策。
chinesechinesechines 回複 悄悄話 Hillary Rodham has decided that she's in, and she's "in to win." (ZT)
Monday - January 22, 2007 By Neal boortz


Well, well. Big surprise. Hillary Rodham has decided that she's in, and she's "in to win."

Oh goody.

The news over the weekend really wasn't that Hillary is in the presidential race; the news is that the media treated it as such a stunning surprise. To listen to CNN on Saturday, you would have thought that nothing was going on anywhere else in the entire known world. Now was it just me, or did the mainstream media sound positively orgasmic over Clinton's announcement?

The New Hampshire primary is one year away -- unless they move it up. There is plenty of time to watch Hillary and tell you the stories you won't see in the mainstream media. Let's just cover the basics:

Hillary Clinton is vicious. There is absolutely nothing that she won't do to gain the political power she has been coveting for most of her life. She is a cold-blooded politician who will take no prisoners in her quest for the presidency.

Hillary Clinton heads the list of those who think that America is great because of its government.

Hillary Clinton believes that Americans get their rights from government. If you don't know why this is a dangerous attitude, you probably attended government schools.

Speaking of government schools, with Hillary Rodham you can forget the idea of school choice. The teacher's unions will continue to run the show.

Hillary holds our military is complete disdain. Remember, this is the woman who had U.S. Marines in their dress blue uniforms serving cheese and crackers to guests at White House functions. When her husband was president there were repeated stories that Hillary's White House staff showed deliberate rudeness to military personnel. In one story you've probably forgotten a Hillary aid in the White House once told a uniformed military office that "We don't talk to people in military uniforms in this office."

Hillary tried to implement a health care plan that would have made it a crime for you to use your own dollars to hire your own doctor. Now think about that for a moment. How much else do you need to know? She actually wanted to make it a crime for you to arrange for your own medical care outside of her great Hillarycare system using your own dollars. Picture this. You're sitting in a jail cell. Your cellmate is in there for bank robbery. He looks at you and says "So, what did you do?" You tell him "Oh ... I tried to hire a doctor with my own money to take care of a medical problem." That, my friends, is Hillary's America.

Hillary Rodham is a disgrace to the institution of marriage. That relationship she has with Bill Clinton is no marriage at all. It is a political partnership entered into for the purpose of acquiring and maintaining political power. Nothing more.

Hillary has not only tolerated her "husband's" many trysts with other women, she has been actively engaged in, and sometimes led, the effort to destroy any of these women who dared to step forward to complain.

She is fundamentally dishonest ... almost pathologically dishonest. Perhaps the greatest example of her innate dishonesty would be the saga of the Rose Law Firm billing records. The congress served a subpoena on Hillary for those records. She said that she did not have them. For two years she denied that those records were in her possession, and in fact suggested that they may not exist at all. Then, two years after the subpoena was served, those very records were found in her private living quarters at the White House. Not only were they found, but they had her fingerprints and handwriting all over them. In other words .. she lied.

Hillary Clinton is anti-individual. When discussing her socialized medicine plan with a group of Republican congressmen in 1993 Hillary said "We have to stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society." No .. she's wrong. We have to start thinking about what it would be like to have a president who put the common good above individual rights. Hillary Rodham is part and parcel of the war on individualism.

A bit more about Hillary Rodham and your health care:

Now that Hillary Clinton is officially in the race, she is choosing health care as her signature issue. What a great idea...it worked so well before. By the way, anybody notice how it was warm and sunny out her office window in her videotaped announcement that she was running? Seems like that little piece of tape was recorded in advance. Many people have noticed, by the way. There's late word that the announcement was indeed taped in Washington last week. Maybe it's a fake tree in the window behind her. Who knows. But back to health care.

So what is Hillary's health care proposal going to be this time? Things didn't work out so well 13 years ago when she proposed a government takeover of the medical industry. Says The Hildabeast: "I will be introducing legislation to make quality, affordable health care available to every child in America." What does that mean? just covering children? It would seem so. Well, according to Hillary...anyone would be able to buy into her program. And just how much is all of this going to cost? Naturally, no mention of the price tag. But suffice it to say that if Hillary Clinton becomes president of the United States, your earnings will be confiscated to pay for other people's health care. Just get used to the idea.

And don't buy for a minute this routine that Hillary Clinton only jumped in because Barack Obama forced her to. She has been planning this move for decades...and everything unfolding right now is part of that plan. It all goes back to when she was running things and wearing the pants in her husband's administration. Except now it's her turn.

Know this. If Hillary Clinton becomes President Rodham, and if the Democrats increase their hold on power in the congress, this will be the last presidential election in which talk radio will play any significant part at all. Though I've been telling you this for years, it has become clear in the last few weeks that Democrats plan to destroy talk radio with the resurrection of the so-called "Fairness Doctrine."
dakan 回複 悄悄話 大家有不同意見很正常,我喜歡容忍他人的觀點。不要謾罵, 要討論。總之,民主黨的方針好看不中用, HILLARY十幾年前的全民醫保就是一例。
noso 回複 悄悄話 dakan:

謝謝你的評語。 我看民主黨也有好的一麵,隻是實在沒什麽讓人信賴的候選人。競選本來也是矮子裏挑將軍,挑誰也不能挑這個HILLARY。

平明尋白羽: : ) 結論別下的太早。
平明尋白羽 回複 悄悄話 搞政治的有多大差別? 別人就比西拉裏好嗎? 本人也不大感冒西拉裏, 不是因為她政治理念, 就是不大感冒. 但是比起工和當來, 民住當還是好點.
如果叫真的話, 樓住的觀點還是有問題. 首先, 對可林噸的醜聞, 100個妻子可能會有100種反映. 西拉裏不和可林噸鬧翻, 有她的考量, 也許這是對國家和家庭最好的結果. 從這點來批評她, 不大站的住理. 其次, 支持一站在先, 反對增兵在後, 不能成為出而反而的證據, 難到不許人家該錯, 要一隻錯下去? 最後, 人的歲數大了就會少點偏激, 不走極左路線, 也不就一頂是左派的叛徒.
dakan 回複 悄悄話 Nose的見解深邃。民主黨的方針類似共產黨。不符合社會的競爭展。製度和競爭是硬道理。看看我們工作的公司是如何生存的,就知道了。公平, 能力, 競爭。另外,人的一致性很重要,不要見風駛舵。
noso 回複 悄悄話 我完全同意托兄的見解。

草色煙光: 很有意思,不知道你這些結論都是怎麽得來的?
托尼福 回複 悄悄話 樓下的草色煙光:

我認為布什可能是美國曆史上最糟糕的總統,Newt Gingrich 我也對他很不喜歡。



草色煙光 回複 悄悄話 能不能談談你對BUSH的當選和執政的看法?能否談談你的政治理念?你這三篇加起來除了一大堆帽子沒看到什麽觀點。

Newt Gingrich媽媽的話也能拿來做論據?另外,那位前議長最熱衷的事就是把總統招到國會進行調查聽證會,推動沒有必要也不符合憲法的謐劾。這樣的議長你認為如何?

noso 回複 悄悄話 我說什麽來著?共和黨勢力大是她站到共和黨這邊,民主黨現在勢力大她又站到民主黨這邊。

希拉裏改變態度:布什,別把伊戰的爛攤子扔給我(圖) 新華網
















dakan 回複 悄悄話 I agree with your analysis in all three blocs. You got the depth. Waiting to see your more articles. Thanks.
托尼福 回複 悄悄話 36度5的態度很想台灣南部的選民:


noso 回複 悄悄話 36度5 :
36度5 回複 悄悄話 切尼是不打算競選總統了,名聲太壞,而且在伊拉克也賺足了。不過你下篇博客可以寫一下為什麽可以選切尼當總統,假設一下麽。你這麽好的辯才,不寫些顛倒是非的實在可惜了。


noso 回複 悄悄話 Eveline and 托尼福:

總算在這裏找到跟我一樣政治觀點的了,原來我不是獨行者啊。謝謝。: )
托尼福 回複 悄悄話 跟到這裏再支持一下。我覺得十四年前Newt Gingrich 的老媽評價希來莉的話(話糙理不糙)很到位,可謂一針見血。
Eveline 回複 悄悄話 good points.